X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs

X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs

Brian Krebs reported that X (formerly known as Twitter) started automatically changing twitter.com links to x.com links. The problem is: (1) it changed any domain name that ended with “twitter.com,” and (2) it only changed the link’s appearance (anchortext), not the underlying URL. So if you were a clever phisher and registered fedetwitter.com, people would see the link as fedex.com, but it would send people to fedetwitter.com.

Thankfully, the problem has been fixed.

Posted on April 16, 2024 at 7:00 AM

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.

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X.com Automatically Changing Link Text but Not URLs Brian Krebs reported that X (formerly known as Twitter) started automatically changing twitter.com links to x.com links. The problem is: (1) it changed any domain name that ended with “twitter.com,” and (2) it only changed the link’s appearance (anchortext), not the underlying URL. So if you were…

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