Remove the Chrome Annual visitor survey scam

Chrome Annual visitor survey scam

The Annual visitor survey scam is a browser based advertisement that states asks you to take part in a survey about how you use Google Chrome and whether you like various features. In return for filling out this survey, you will have a chance of winning a $1,000 gift card for

This survey is a scam and has nothing to do with Chrome or Google. Instead, it is being used to collect personally identifable information from visitors that can then be used for identity theft, fraud, or spam.

It is strongly advised that you do not enter any personal information into this form.

When the Annual visitor survey page is displayed in your browser it will display an alert that states:

You’ve been personally selected to take part in our 2020 Annual Visitor Survey! Tell us what you think of Chrome and to say “Thank You” you’ll receive a chance to get a $1000 Amazon Gift card!

Question 1 of 4:
How often do you use Chrome ?

Once again, this is just an advertisement, the page is not from Google, and there is no proof that you will actually receive the stated reward. Furthermore, the amount of personal information that you are required to submit would make me wary as you do not know who these people are and what this information will be used for.

On the other hand, if you are constantly seeing these types of advertisements, or these pages are opening by themselves, then it may be possible that you are infected with an adware or other unwanted program that are displaying them. Once again, do not worry as it is quite easy to remove these infections if you follow the guide below.

Why am I Seeing the Annual visitor survey page?

The Annual visitor survey browser advertisement can be displayed by installed adware programs or through less than reputable sites that are displaying them to generate advertising revenue.

For the most part, if you see a browser based advertisement, then you can simply close the browser and start it again. On the other hand, if you are continuously seeing popups with alerts like “Annual visitor survey “, then you should scan your computer for adware and remove anything that is found.

Your computer should now be free of the Annual visitor survey Scam program. If your current security solution allowed this program on your computer, you may want to consider purchasing the full-featured version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to protect against these types of threats in the future.

If you are still having problems with your computer after completing these instructions, then please follow the steps outlined in the topic linked below:

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The Annual visitor survey scam is a browser based advertisement that states asks you to take part in a survey about how you use Google Chrome and whether you like various features. In return for filling out this survey, you will have a chance of winning a $1,000 gift card for This survey is…

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