Sensor Intel Series: Top CVEs in October 2023 | F5 Labs

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

Overall Scanning Traffic Changes

Lest the downward trend shown in Figure 2 makes it seem like overall scanning traffic may be abating, it’s important to note that the volume of scanning we observed has remained relatively constant, at least over the last three months, increasing by approximately 5.1% from August to September, then falling approximately 5.8% from September to October.

The full details of the changes in scanning traffic over the last 12 months are shown in the following table.


Month % Change from Previous Month
November 2022 15.3%
December 2022 1.2%
January 2023 5.6%
February 2023 -15.5%
March 2023 -22.4%
April 2023 37.3%
May 2023 -0.9%
June 2023 -0.3%
July 2023 20.1%
August 2023 -27.9%
September 2023 5.1%
October 2023 -5.8%

Table 2: Percentage change of overall scanning traffic from November 2022 to October 2023

Because Figure 2 only shows high-traffic CVEs, Figure 3 shows traffic for all 82 CVEs we have tracked. In this view, most of our tracked CVEs can be seen to be holding at a relatively steady rate, with a few showing marked declines from relatively high rates seen in previous months, such as CVE-2013-6397, a directory traversal vulnerability in Apache Solr before version 4.6, and CVE-2021-26084, a critical Remote Code Execution vulnerability in Confluence Server and Data Center in several versions before 7.4.11, 7.11.6, and 7.12.5.

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Overall Scanning Traffic Changes Lest the downward trend shown in Figure 2 makes it seem like overall scanning traffic may be abating, it’s important to note that the volume of scanning we observed has remained relatively constant, at least over the last three months, increasing by approximately 5.1% from August to September, then falling approximately…

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