2019 TLS Telemetry Report Summary

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

Welcome to the Summary of the 2019 F5 Labs TLS Telemetry Report.

This year, we expanded the scope of our research to bring you deeper insights into how encryption on the web is constantly evolving. We look into which ciphers and SSL/TLS versions are being used to secure the Internet’s top websites and, for the first time, examine the use of digital certificates on the web and look at supporting protocols (such as DNS) and application layer headers.

A lot has happened in the world of encryption since we published the 2017 TLS Telemetry Report. Over the past two years, standards have been updated, browsers have evolved and a number of new protocols have been released that aim to secure all the remaining cleartext protocols still in wide use today.

Meanwhile, the global debate between technology providers and governments (also known as Crypto Wars 2.0) continues to rumble on. Governments are increasingly trying to control how encryption is used, and we frequently see poorly written (or purposefully vague) legislation introduced.

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Welcome to the Summary of the 2019 F5 Labs TLS Telemetry Report. This year, we expanded the scope of our research to bring you deeper insights into how encryption on the web is constantly evolving. We look into which ciphers and SSL/TLS versions are being used to secure the Internet’s top websites and, for the…

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