Denial of Service Vulnerabilities Discovered in HTTP/2

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

The following table summarizes the vulnerability impact for each of the tested HTTP/2 implementations:

Tested Webserver Test result Mitigation applied following disclosure
Apache httpd Stops responding to new requests. The connection never timed out. Patched and allocated CVE-2018-11763
NGINX Consumes 100% of the server CPU resources and makes NGINX respond slower to incoming connections. The connection never timed out. Patched and allocated CVE-2018-16844
Jetty Stops responding to new requests. The connection never timed out. Patched and allocated CVE-2018-12545
Microsoft IIS Consumes 100% of the server CPU resources until timeout is reached. Patched and published ADV190005
Python hyper-h2 Stops responding to new requests and slowly consumes all the available memory. The connection never timed out. Reported via GitHub issue; answer received was that it could be mitigated by adjusting the server settings.
golang Consumes 100% of the server CPU resources and makes the server respond slower to incoming connections. The connection never timed out. Patched, but no CVE was allocated
Node.js Consumes 100% of the server CPU resources and makes the server respond slower to incoming connections. The connection never timed out. No response received

Attack Vector 2: Denial of Service Via Slow POST (Slowloris)

Some web server implementations maintain a pool of worker processes/threads and assign a free worker from the pool for each incoming request. After the request is done, the worker process is freed back to the pool.

In 2009, a security researcher named Robert Hanson, also known as “RSnake,” discovered a highly effective denial of service attack. It allowed an attacker to take down a server using a minimum amount of resources—a single laptop could literally take down a server. Since then, the attack has evolved to many variants such as Slow POST and Slow Read. The vulnerability was eventually patched in the affected web servers and is mitigated today by all the anti-DDoS providers.

The idea behind this attack was to open many connections to the web server from a single attacking machine, and then on every connection start slowly transmitting the request without ever completing it. This, in turn, prevented the allocated worker process from being freed back to the pool. As the attacker opened multiple concurrent connections, all the worker processes of the server became busy and the server could not handle new incoming requests.

This attack was found to be highly effective against Apache web servers. Since Apache version 2.2.15, Apache has a module named “mod_reqtimeout” that is enabled by default and is designed to stop Slowloris variants.

In order to test whether Apache’s “mod_reqtimeout” detects similar attacks over the HTTP/2 protocol, we translated the Slow POST variant of the attack into HTTP/2. We did this by opening an HTTP/2 connection to the server and initiating the maximum number of streams allowed by the server, as advertised by the server via the SETTINGS_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS setting.

In order to initiate the request streams, the following HEADERS frame was sent to the server on each one of the streams:

“:method”: “POST”,
“:path”: “/testing”,
“:scheme”: “https”,
“:authority”: “”,
“content-length”: “999999999”

This HEADERS frame tells the server to prepare to receive a POST request with a large request body. In HTTP/2 terms, sending a HEADERS frame on a closed stream changes the state of the stream to “open,” and this is the point at which Apache allocates a worker process from its pool during the HTTP/2 connection. Once the stream was opened and the worker process allocated, we started slowly transmitting the request body, one byte every 20 seconds, which forced the worker process to stay busy. It turned out that although Apache’s HTTP/2 implementation was previously found to be vulnerable to a similar Slow Read attack and was subsequently patched, the simpler variant of the attack slipped under the radar of “mod_reqtimeout” and caused the server to stop responding to new requests. The issue was patched by Apache and CVE-2018-17189 was allocated.

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The following table summarizes the vulnerability impact for each of the tested HTTP/2 implementations:  Tested Webserver Test result Mitigation applied following disclosure Apache httpd Stops responding to new requests. The connection never timed out. Patched and allocated CVE-2018-11763 NGINX Consumes 100% of the server CPU resources and makes NGINX respond slower to incoming connections. The…

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