Gootkit Italian Campaign Overview

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

(We wanted to give an assessment of JS redirection content, but it was not reachable at the time of writing; we can assume by script name it had an output of a blank page response or other misleading action.)


Gootkit remains active by maintaining this campaign of redirection. We’ve noticed multiple configurations targeting the same region for the past year. Gootkit tries to protect itself even after infecting the system from legitimate AV product sites and even from additional known download mirrors. This type of attention to detail proves that this malware means business and is ready to disrupt the inner components of bank sites and other defense tools. Since this malware has declared Italy as part of its attack agenda, we recommend Italian users exercise caution when opening email links, as this is a primary infection vector. Since Gootkit blocks access to AV tools, we also recommend organizations prepare local copies of malware scanning and clean up tools so they can respond quickly in an emergency.





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(We wanted to give an assessment of JS redirection content, but it was not reachable at the time of writing; we can assume by script name it had an output of a blank page response or other misleading action.) Conclusion Gootkit remains active by maintaining this campaign of redirection. We’ve noticed multiple configurations targeting the…

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