You’re Opted in by Default – Know When and Where to Opt Out

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

There’s no doubt your information is out there. And at a certain point, you have to assume it’ll be exposed.

So now what? With everything that’s happened in cybersecurity over the past few years and in the wake of so many high profile breaches all over the world, it’s time for a shift in mindset.

As individuals and consumers, we can’t control everything. We can’t just go in and audit our banks, medical providers and creditors to ensure our personal information is secure. We can’t even avoid sharing our information in many cases.

But at the same time, we do have some control over our digital footprint—and of course over our own behavior, both online and in the real world. There are steps we can take to limit our risk.

Read the full article published February 6, 2019 here: by SecurityWeek.

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There’s no doubt your information is out there. And at a certain point, you have to assume it’ll be exposed. So now what? With everything that’s happened in cybersecurity over the past few years and in the wake of so many high profile breaches all over the world, it’s time for a shift in mindset.…

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