How to Be a More Effective CISO by Aligning Your Security to the Business

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

The recently released F5 and Ponemon report, “The Evolving Role of CISOs and their Importance to the Business,” unearthed some disconcerting results about CISO effectiveness. In particular, the following survey question spoke to this point specifically:

Are security operations aligned with business objectives?

  • Fully – 26%
  • Partially – 34%
  • Not – 40%

Surprisingly, only a quarter of respondents fully agreed. If security isn’t aligned with the business objectives of the organization, then does the security program exist in and of itself? If that’s the case, how much traction do you think a security program will get? Security must always exist in a context to something else, and that context is the organization’s business objectives.

Maybe one reason so many security programs aren’t aligned with the business is that, according to the same survey, only 16% of CISOs have a business background. If you’re not in that group and are struggling to align your security program with the business, here are some things you can do.

Understand the Business

To build a security program that matches business objectives, you first have to understand the business. How do you do this? By asking questions and doing your homework—not just about your organization but about your industry sector, as well.

You should clearly understand your organization’s d’être (reason for existing). What is unique about your organization? Who are your customers? (Note that even non-profit government agencies have “customers”—that includes anyone your organization serves as part of its mission.) Who does the organization serve? Who are the biggest customers and what do they want? What do they expect? Who are the key partners? What do they expect? How does your business compare in all of these aspects to others in your industry sector?

The next important step is to understand how revenue flows into your organization. Is it constant, cyclical, or tied to sales? How does it lose revenue? Are there cash reserves for rainy days?

From there, determine what assets you need to protect. What does the organization want to keep secret? What parts of the organization must never be tampered with? (Hint: this should always include the financial system.) What functions must always keep running? Is it critical that the website is always up? What do employees need to do their job? What information do they need; what systems? What happens if they don’t get those things? Also, what regulations must the organization abide by? What critical contracts must be fulfilled?

Next, be sure you understand the biggest challenges the organization faces. Is it growth? Survival? New markets? Changing regulations? Competition? Shrinking customer base? Shrinking budget from legislature?

What are the major organizational processes? How does the organization circulate information internally?

What physical locations does the organization use? Not just the offices and factories, but warehouses, offsite storage facilities, parking lots, and rented temporary offices.

What technology is in use now? Before? Planned for later? What problem is each of them intended to solve? Are they working effectively? Do they need to be upgraded or replaced?

Leverage the Business Understanding

Now that you’ve done your homework, you can use this information to get buy-in on risk reduction programs. Remember that when a security incident occurs, it can have many different kinds of impacts: loss of customer confidence, reduction in sales advantage, regulator fines, operational overhead, and loss of competitive advantage due to breached trade secrets. Find the hot buttons and push them. Gene Kim, co-founder of Tripwire, wrote a great example of how he would have framed an IT failure as a business risk:

“From what we can tell, we experienced a complex and cascading failure in the critical technology systems that run these incredibly important business processes. The accident last week was not due to a power failure, or an IT failure—this was a business failure. After all, we were unable to perform some of our most critical business operations for nearly three days.”1

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The recently released F5 and Ponemon report, “The Evolving Role of CISOs and their Importance to the Business,” unearthed some disconcerting results about CISO effectiveness. In particular, the following survey question spoke to this point specifically: Are security operations aligned with business objectives? Fully – 26% Partially – 34% Not – 40% Surprisingly, only a quarter of…

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