Month: April 2024

Through engaging hacking challenges and competitions, CTFs offer an excellent opportunity to test and enhance your security and problem-solving skills Source link lol

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The Rise of Large-Language-Model Optimization The web has become so interwoven with everyday life that it is easy to forget what an extraordinary accomplishment and treasure it is. In just a few decades, much of human knowledge has been collectively written up and made available to anyone with an internet connection. But all of this…

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Discover six games that will provide valuable knowledge while turning learning about digital security into an enjoyable and rewarding adventure Source link lol

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An attack against a port operator that ultimately hobbled some 40 percent of Australia’s import and export capacity highlights the kinds of supply chain shocks that a successful cyberattack can cause Source link lol

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Apr 25, 2024NewsroomCryptocurrency / Cybercrime The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Wednesday announced the arrest of two co-founders of a cryptocurrency mixer called Samourai and seized the service for allegedly facilitating over $2 billion in illegal transactions and for laundering more than $100 million in criminal proceeds. To that end, Keonne Rodriguez, 35, and…

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What happens when problems caused by autonomous vehicles are not the result of errors, but the result of purposeful attacks? Source link lol

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Thinking beyond updates Cisco emphasized that perimeter network devices serve as ideal entry points for espionage-focused campaigns and must be routinely and promptly patched. “In the past two years, we have seen a dramatic and sustained increase in the targeting of these devices in areas such as telecommunications providers and energy sector organizations — critical…

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AI-driven voice cloning can make things far too easy for scammers – I know because I’ve tested it so that you don’t have to learn about the risks the hard way. Source link lol

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We recently published a blogpost about Telekopye, a Telegram bot that helps cybercriminals scam people in online marketplaces. Telekopye can craft phishing websites, emails, SMS messages, and more. In the first part, we wrote about technical details of Telekopye and hinted at hierarchical structure of its operational groups. In this second part, we focus on…

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ESET’s research team reveals details about the onboarding process of the Telekopye scam operation and the various methods that the fraudsters use to defraud people online Source link lol

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