Month: April 2024

The holiday shopping season may be the time to splurge, but it’s a also favorite time of year for cybercriminals to target shoppers with phony deals, phishing scams and other threats Source link lol

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While it may be too late to introduce wholesale changes to your security policies, it doesn’t hurt to take a fresh look at where the biggest threats are and which best practices can help neutralize them Source link lol

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The technology is both widely available and well developed, hence it’s also poised to proliferate – especially in the hands of those wishing ill Source link lol

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Failing to practice what you preach, especially when you are a juicy target for bad actors, creates a situation fraught with considerable risk Source link lol

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Several cases of children creating indecent images of other children using AI software add to the worries about harmful uses of AI technology Source link lol

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Since the beginning of 2023, ESET researchers have observed an alarming growth of deceptive Android loan apps, which present themselves as legitimate personal loan services, promising quick and easy access to funds. Despite their attractive appearance, these services are in fact designed to defraud users by offering them high-interest-rate loans endorsed with deceitful descriptions, all…

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Tracking has recently become a big bogeyman. The sheer amount of data that an app or an operating system (OS) can use to identify you and collect your data is enormous, depending on the method of tracking it uses. While it’s clear why manufacturers and sellers desire more data – to tailor their products, enhance…

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Magnetic stripe cards were all the rage 20 or so years ago, but their security was fragile, and the requirement for signatures often added to the hassle of transactions – not to mention, they lacked data encryption, making them vulnerable to skimming and cloning by criminals.  Chip-based cards emerged as a successor, offering enhanced security…

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Critical Infrastructure Legacy protocols in the healthcare industry present dangers that can make hospitals extremely vulnerable to cyberattacks. 08 Dec 2023  •  , 3 min. read The healthcare industry will, I am sure, remain a significant target for cybercriminals due to the huge potential it provides them to monetize their efforts through ransomware demands or…

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Video ESET Research reveals details about a growth in the number of deceptive loan apps on Android, their origins and modus operandi. 08 Dec 2023 This week, ESET researchers have taken a look at a steep increase in deceptive loan apps for Android. According to ESET Research, there has been a large growth of these…

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