Month: April 2024

A security compromise so stealthy that it doesn’t even require your interaction? Yes, zero-click attacks require no action from you – but this doesn’t mean you’re left vulnerable. Source link lol

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Apr 25, 2024NewsroomVulnerability / Zero-Day A new malware campaign leveraged two zero-day flaws in Cisco networking gear to deliver custom malware and facilitate covert data collection on target environments. Cisco Talos, which dubbed the activity ArcaneDoor, attributing it as the handiwork of a previously undocumented sophisticated state-sponsored actor it tracks under the name UAT4356 (aka…

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Apr 25, 2024NewsroomTechnology / Privacy Google has once again pushed its plans to deprecate third-party tracking cookies in its Chrome web browser as it works to address outstanding competition concerns from U.K. regulators over its Privacy Sandbox initiative. The tech giant said it’s working closely with the U.K. Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and hopes…

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ChatGPT would probably say “Definitely not!”, but will we learn any lessons from the rush to regulate IoT in the past? Source link lol

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The past year has seen over 10,000 downloads of malicious packages hosted on the official Python package repository Source link lol

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Can DNS protection technology transform consumers’ worries about cybercrime with a trust-based approach? Source link lol

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ESET researchers document a series of new OilRig downloaders, all relying on legitimate cloud service providers for C&C communications Source link lol

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Video Your iPhone has just received a new feature called iMessage Contact Key Verification that is designed to help protect your messages from prying eyes 15 Dec 2023 Apple has shipped iOS 17.2 to all users and it includes a new feature that is intended to protect users from attackers who could be misusing the…

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ESET Research ESET researchers discuss the dynamics within and between various groups of scammers who use a Telegram bot called Telekopye to scam people on online marketplaces 18 Dec 2023  •  , 1 min. read In this episode of our podcast, ESET malware researchers talk about the dynamics within and between various Neanderthal groups, the…

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ESET Research, Threat Reports A view of the H2 2023 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts 19 Dec 2023  •  , 2 min. read The second half of 2023 witnessed significant cybersecurity incidents. Cl0p, a notorious cybercriminal group known for carrying out ransomware…

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