Month: April 2024

This is the second part of a two-part series based on firsthand research into pig butchering scams from the end of 2022 into early 2024. In this post, we delve into the types of investment scams perpetrated by pig butchers to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from victims, including in the form of cryptocurrency…

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So How Good Are Sectors for Predicting Risk? Based on these analyses, it appears that the answer is “not bad, but it depends.” On one hand, we can identify specific patterns that seem to map to characteristics about those sectors. We already knew that the Retail Trade sector is heavily targeted by attacks that are…

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In general, organizations should implement just enough necessary cybersecurity to mitigate risk and meet compliance requirements. We’ve talked about how to mitigate known, foreseeable cyberthreats, but what is the lowest bar for a typical organization with respect to cybersecurity? To figure this out, we need to think about universal compliance and legal obligations for any…

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F5 Labs in collaboration with Effluxio researches global attack traffic to gain a better understanding of the cyberthreat landscape. In this installment of regional threat analysis, F5 Labs researchers break down the data collected by our sensors on attacks targeting Latin America from January 1 through March 31, 2021. Cyberattacks happen in many forms, but…

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What Is SQL Injection? SQL injection is a technique used by attackers to gain unauthorized access to one of an organization’s most critical assets: the database that supports its website. In most cases, it is website vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to insert (or inject) instructions where the application is expecting only data. SQL injection…

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In part one of a two-part series on Pig butchering, we detail the pervasive scam that has impacted thousands of victims around the world, resulting in the loss of hundreds of millions of dollars. This blog highlights the who and the how of pig butchering scams, and details the pig butchering playbook. Background Pig butchering…

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Predictions are a risky business. If you play it too conservatively, you tell everyone what they already know and just get an eye roll for your trouble. If you go out on a limb and get it wrong, people stop listening to you. That’s why, as we unwisely return to the task of predicting the…

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Credential stuffing sounds simple: attackers test stolen usernames and passwords across sites to see what works. After the hype and complexity of vulnerabilities like Heartbleed and Spectre, password reuse seems easy to dismiss. This has caused credential stuffing to become the most underrated attack of the 2010s and it hints at the future of application…

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The Largest DDoS Attack of 2021 So Far The largest attack the SOC team encountered over the past 15 months came in February 2021 and targeted a technology company that provides information security services for gaming and gambling organizations. The onslaught peaked at 500 Gbps, or half a terabit per second. Threat actors, possibly disgruntled…

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MS-ISAC ADVISORY NUMBER: 2023-140 DATE(S) ISSUED: 12/12/2023 OVERVIEW: Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft products, the most severe of which could allow for remote code execution in the context of the logged on user. Depending on the privileges associated with the user, an attacker could then install programs; view, change, or delete data; or…

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