Daily Leaks – Canada & China

Daily Leaks – Canada & China

In a Telegram group, two important data advertised by threat actors.

The first one is 13 million pieces of Canadian homeowners’ PII. It is claimed that the data includes first name, last name, street Address, address 2, city, province, postal code, phone, income, age, sex, home ownership, language, family status, education, job type, age of children, household size, dwelling age, and dwelling type.

The second one is China hospital’s patient order data. It is claimed that the data includes sale amount, usage days, drug name, sale unit, usage name, and more. The CSV file has 1,231,311 lines.

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In a Telegram group, two important data advertised by threat actors. The first one is 13 million pieces of Canadian homeowners’ PII. It is claimed that the data includes first name, last name, street Address, address 2, city, province, postal code, phone, income, age, sex, home ownership, language, family status, education, job type, age of…

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