Cloud security faces pressure from AI growth, multi-cloud use

Cloud computing security

For context, one in seven enterprises will soon be using a staggering 250 petabytes of data just for building and training AI/ML models, a 2023 report by 451 Research said. 

Exposure of such sensitive data can have direct and real-world consequences on people and organizations. 

Multicloud usage and SaaS applications complicate cloud security

To cater to the vast data requirements of such business needs, organizations are employing multiple cloud service providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. To enjoy flexibility most businesses currently use at least two cloud service providers per organization, the report said.

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For context, one in seven enterprises will soon be using a staggering 250 petabytes of data just for building and training AI/ML models, a 2023 report by 451 Research said.  Exposure of such sensitive data can have direct and real-world consequences on people and organizations.  Multicloud usage and SaaS applications complicate cloud security To cater…

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