The Security Industry’s Talent Shortage is a Crisis of Diversity

2024 Cybersecurity Predictions

If you think everything’s gone cyber now, just wait. “Digital transformation” is shifting all aspects of modern life — think automated grocery stores, driverless cars and trucks, even our social lives — and it all brings new forms of risk.

Consequently, security is becoming one of the top fields in the world. But it’s not the same discipline it once was. For every new risk, every innovative web service, connected device or IT-powered process, CISOs need experts who can understand the exposure. As the threat landscape becomes exponentially more diverse, the security industry must become much, much more diverse in response.

The complexity of this challenge is compounded by the talent shortage the security industry is facing today: the Center for Cyber Safety and Education’s 2017 Global Information Security Workforce Study projects 1.8 million vacancies in cybersecurity by 2022.

In order to bridge that talent gap and build a more secure world for everyone, the discipline must evolve.

Read the full article published August 8, 2018 here: by SecurityWeek.

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If you think everything’s gone cyber now, just wait. “Digital transformation” is shifting all aspects of modern life — think automated grocery stores, driverless cars and trucks, even our social lives — and it all brings new forms of risk. Consequently, security is becoming one of the top fields in the world. But it’s not…

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