Author: nlqip

The UK’s Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has started legal action against the controversial Sellafield nuclear waste facility due to years of alleged cybersecurity breaches. Last December, as we previously reported, claims surfaced about Russian and Chinese hackers planting malware on the nuclear reactor site’s systems as far back as 2015. The fear is that…

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The report emphasizes the direct involvement of cybersecurity experts within these committees as a critical factor. Companies with cybersecurity experts on either audit or specialized risk committees achieve an average security performance rating of 700, significantly higher than the 580 rating for companies with such experts only on the general board. The report also highlights…

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Cyberattacks on utilities more than doubled from 2020 to 2022. It’s likely the case that the rapid growth of connected assets is outstripping security capabilities. One analyst firm predicts that by 2026, industrial organizations will have more than 15 billion new and legacy assets connected to the cloud, internet, and 5G. Security and IT leaders…

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Mar 28, 2024The Hacker NewsApplication Security / Webinar Considering the ever-changing state of cybersecurity, it’s never too late to ask yourself, “am I doing what’s necessary to keep my organization’s web applications secure?” The continuous evolution of technology introduces new and increasingly sophisticated threats daily, posing challenges to organizations all over the world and across…

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“Firstly, people may have both personal devices and work devices but device management or policy from the IT team might mean each device is equally able to access corporate resources, or there is no such policy, so employees would just use whichever is most convenient,” Lohokare said. “The second big reason would be the continued…

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Mar 28, 2024NewsroomHardware Security / Vulnerability Cybersecurity researchers from ETH Zurich have developed a new variant of the RowHammer DRAM (dynamic random-access memory) attack that, for the first time, successfully works against AMD Zen 2 and Zen 3 systems despite mitigations such as Target Row Refresh (TRR). “This result proves that AMD systems are equally…

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Mar 28, 2024The Hacker NewsSecrets Management / Zero Trust In the whirlwind of modern software development, teams race against time, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and efficiency. This relentless pace is fueled by an evolving tech landscape, where SaaS domination, the proliferation of microservices, and the ubiquity of CI/CD pipelines are not just trends…

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However, the latest court documents indicate that Meta’s IAAP program expanded to target encrypted analytics traffic from competitors beyond Snapchat, including YouTube and Amazon. Allegations suggest that Facebook employees developed customized client and server-side code based on Onavo’s VPN proxy app and server stack. The code included a client-side “kit” that installed a “root” certificate…

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Hardware Vulnerability in Apple’s M-Series Chips It’s yet another hardware side-channel attack: The threat resides in the chips’ data memory-dependent prefetcher, a hardware optimization that predicts the memory addresses of data that running code is likely to access in the near future. By loading the contents into the CPU cache before it’s actually needed, the…

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Mar 28, 2024NewsroomTechnology / Data Privacy In June 2017, a study of more than 3,000 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) students published by the National Bureau for Economic Research (NBER) found that 98% of them were willing to give away their friends’ email addresses in exchange for free pizza. “Whereas people say they care about…

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