Category: AI in news

Dan Solove on Privacy Regulation Law professor Dan Solove has a new article on privacy regulation. In his email to me, he writes: “I’ve been pondering privacy consent for more than a decade, and I think I finally made a breakthrough with this article.” His mini-abstract: In this Article I argue that most of the…

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With this system, the raw biometric information is never accessible to any software or system outside the module, including the phone’s own operating system. On the iPhone, this is called the secure enclave and is available on every phone with an Apple A7 chip or newer. The first phone with this technology was the iPhone…

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Apr 24, 2024NewsroomEncryption / Mobile Security Security vulnerabilities uncovered in cloud-based pinyin keyboard apps could be exploited to reveal users’ keystrokes to nefarious actors. The findings come from the Citizen Lab, which discovered weaknesses in eight of nine apps from vendors like Baidu, Honor, iFlytek, OPPO, Samsung, Tencent, Vivo, and Xiaomi. The only vendor whose…

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Some of you may remember a time when national security was a question of police officers protecting individuals from crime on the street, or the Army’s defence against international threats. Today, that picture looks very different. If anything, it is more volatile, uncertain and complex than it was in the past because it is now…

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  Like many of my peers, I marvel at the amazing ways the cloud has changed our lives and how we work. At the same time, I’ve lost untold hours of sleep worrying about the security risks this transformation creates. As a CISO, I spend a big chunk of every day planning for, evaluating, and…

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Dissatisfaction, burnout, and their consequences for CISOs The State of the CISO 2023-2024 Report, from IANS Research and Artico Search, found that CISO job satisfaction sits at 64%, down from 74% in 2022 and 69% in 2021. The percentage of CISOs open to changing jobs is 75%. The 2023 Voice of the CISO report, from…

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  The problem is that real-time, actionable visibility – especially at the application layer where it’s increasingly critical – is often elusive to achieve. Even though we know it’s important to security efforts. To wit, in our State of Application Security 2016, the majority (57%) of respondents said a lack of visibility in the application layer is preventing strong…

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I’ve mentioned before how important strong risk management is to a CISO1. When it comes to risk, the applications our users depend on are a big concern. In a 2016 security survey2 conducted by Ponemon Institute on behalf of F5, a majority of respondents cited security around applications as an area of great concern. It makes…

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Apr 24, 2024NewsroomMalware / Data Security A new ongoing malware campaign has been observed distributing three different stealers, such as CryptBot, LummaC2, and Rhadamanthys hosted on Content Delivery Network (CDN) cache domains since at least February 2024. Cisco Talos has attributed the activity with moderate confidence to a threat actor tracked as CoralRaider, a suspected…

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Automation Risks There are a number of container and automation frameworks out there that seek to make scale as effortless as the click of a mouse. Some of them are rising quickly due to the excitement over containers, like Mesos and Kubernetes. Others have been around for a while—think Puppet, Chef, VMware, Cisco, and OpenStack.…

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