Category: AI in news

  Internal and external threat landscapes are made up of the same system components. Differentials are based on implementation and technology choices. Hosting Resources The way a solution is deployed, the type of cloud service, and the tenant model make up an organization’s hosting resources and provide the basis for the threat landscape. Why? This…

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According to Verizon’s 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report,1 “Web applications remain the proverbial punching bag of the Internet.”2 Things haven’t improved much since then. What is it about web applications that makes them so precarious? There are three primary answers. First, since most web applications are configured or coded specifically for the organizations they serve,…

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There’s a lot of hype surrounding cryptocurrencies, but what’s good for currency traders may not be great for security-minded professionals. Source link lol

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Last week, our esteemed colleague David Holmes answered the board’s question “Are we doing anything with bitcoin?” by slamming the door on a technological trend that is not only underway but is rapidly expanding. (Heck, bitcoin itself is “old news” now.) Still, it should be on every CISO’s brain. Even if CISOs don’t need to talk to…

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Cybercrime in general—and most recently, crime perpetrated using IoT devices—has become a serious problem. Legislatures around the world have struggled to write laws to rein things in. The problem has been that governments have issued cybersecurity laws that are either too burdensome or ineffective. We’ve seen various breach disclosure acts designed to “name and shame”…

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Figure 1: Bug types across valid submissions shows a decline in low value bug types such as clickjacking, and steady submissions in XSS and mobile bugs.  XSS, SQLi, and CSRF are among the OWASP “Top Ten”, with reams of documentation, tutorials, code samples, and tools capable of discovering these bugs before applications are introduced to the wild. One…

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The recently released F5 and Ponemon report, “The Evolving Role of CISOs and their Importance to the Business,” unearthed some disconcerting results about CISO effectiveness. In particular, the following survey question spoke to this point specifically: Are security operations aligned with business objectives? Fully – 26% Partially – 34% Not – 40% Surprisingly, only a quarter of…

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Depending on third parties is inescapable. Every organization needs software, hardware, Internet connectivity, power, and buildings. It’s unlikely they’re going to do all those things themselves. That means that organizations must be dependent on others outside themselves. With that dependence comes risk. F5 recently partnered with Ponemon Institute to survey CISOs. In the report, The Evolving…

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In part I of this series, I explored some of the issues surrounding the fact that we have managed to build networks so large and complex that it is essentially impossible to grasp any significant fraction of network activities without asking for help from… the network itself. In this installment, I delve into some actual techniques…

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Executives are slowly but surely recognizing the ramifications of providing the wrong answer when asked the questions: “Prior to the breach, did we train our employees in the acceptable use of company assets? Did we train them about what they could and could not do?” Do you work for a company that requires employees to sign…

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