Category: AI in news

Apr 04, 2024NewsroomPhishing Attack / Malware An updated version of an information-stealing malware called Rhadamanthys is being used in phishing campaigns targeting the oil and gas sector. “The phishing emails use a unique vehicle incident lure and, in later stages of the infection chain, spoof the Federal Bureau of Transportation in a PDF that mentions…

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Google has issued a security advisory to owners of its Android Pixel smartphones, warning that it has discovered someone has been targeting some devices to bypass their built-in security. What makes the reported attacks particularly interesting is that traditional cybercriminals may not be behind them, but rather “forensic companies” exploiting two vulnerabilities to extract information…

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A cybercrook who has been setting up websites that mimic the self-destructing message service accidentally exposed the breadth of their operations recently when they threatened to sue a software company. The disclosure revealed a profitable network of phishing sites that behave and look like the real Privnote, except that any messages containing cryptocurrency addresses…

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New QakBot Campaign   Qakbot, also known as QBot, is a banking trojan and botnet that has been active since 2008. However, last year, the servers associated with Qakbot were taken down in a multinational law enforcement operation called Operation Duck Hunt. Recently, Binary Defense threat researchers analyzed the reemergence of the QakBot botnet. The…

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Apr 04, 2024NewsroomVulnerability / Internet Protocol New research has found that the CONTINUATION frame in the HTTP/2 protocol can be exploited to conduct denial-of-service (DoS) attacks. The technique has been codenamed HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Flood by security researcher Bartek Nowotarski, who reported the issue to the CERT Coordination Center (CERT/CC) on January 25, 2024. “Many HTTP/2…

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As the Omni online systems were out, the company resorted to an offline mode of running critical business operations, including manual check-ins. “Checking in on paper, no card machines work, even room keys do not work,” said another hotel guest who was staying at the Louisville Omni. “Everyone has to be escorted to their room…

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Surveillance by the New Microsoft Outlook App The ProtonMail people are accusing Microsoft’s new Outlook for Windows app of conducting extensive surveillance on its users. It shares data with advertisers, a lot of data: The window informs users that Microsoft and those 801 third parties use their data for a number of purposes, including to:…

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New research has found that ransomware remediation costs can explode when backups have been compromised by malicious hackers – with overall recovery costs eight times higher than for those whose backups are not impacted. Read more in my article on th Exponential-e blog. Source link lol

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Who within my company is responsible for compliance? The GDPR defines several roles that are responsible for ensuring compliance: data controller, data processor, and the data protection officer (DPO). The data controller defines how personal data is processed and the purposes for which it is processed. The controller is also responsible for making sure that…

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VMware Tools is a component installed in VMware-based virtual machines in order to communicate with the host system and enable file and clipboard operations as well as shared folders and drivers. “Although the origin of the malicious code in vmtoolsd.exe in this incident is unknown, there have been documented infections wherein vulnerabilities in legitimate applications…

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