Category: AI in news

Progress Software has patched a high severity authentication bypass in the MOVEit managed file transfer (MFT) solution. As MOVEit has been a popular target for ransomware gangs and other threat actors, we strongly recommend prioritizing patching of this vulnerability. Background On June 25, Progress published an advisory for a vulnerability in MOVEit Transfer, a secure…

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The prohibitive cost structure has been labeled the “SSO Tax” and CISA says potential SMB customers “perceive SSO as being excessively costly due to the higher cost of the premium-tier service that includes SSO as compared to the lower-tier service that does not include SSO coupled with a requirement to subscribe for a minimum number…

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The potential for mischief is extensive. Sagi Tzadik, the Wiz researcher who discovered the vulnerability, told CSO: “An attacker would be able to covertly leak private models, spy on user prompts, alter their responses, ransom the whole system, and even gain a foothold in the internal network. Once exploited, the machine is compromised.” Authentication shortcomings…

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The modern web browser has undergone a profound transformation in recent years, becoming an indispensable tool in today’s digital age. It facilitates online communication and provides unparalleled productivity, especially as organizations continue to transition to hybrid work models and embrace cloud-based operations. Unfortunately, security infrastructures haven’t evolved as fast as they should, making these browsers…

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Explore critical differences in handling customer-managed encryption keys (CMKs) across AWS, Azure, and GCP to avoid security misconfigurations and protect your data effectively. Why are we here?  A customer-managed encryption key (CMK) is an encryption key created, managed, and owned by the customer. This gives the customer control over its access management—that is, determining who…

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Biggest hack, if confirmed If confirmed, the Federal Reserve breach would turn into one of the biggest banking hacks in US history. Being the central banking system of the country, the Federal Reserve operates twelve banking districts, home to major cities like Boston, New York, Dallas, Chicago, and San Francisco. Although the Federal Reserve is…

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Breaking the M-209 Interesting paper about a German cryptanalysis machine that helped break the US M-209 mechanical ciphering machine. The paper contains a good description of how the M-209 works. Tags: academic papers, cryptanalysis, cryptography, history of cryptography Posted on June 25, 2024 at 7:02 AM • 0 Comments Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by…

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Jun 25, 2024The Hacker NewsBrowser Security / Endpoint Security Browser security is becoming increasingly popular, as organizations understand the need to protect at the point of risk – the browser. Network and endpoint solutions are limited in their ability to protect from web-borne threats like phishing websites or malicious browser extensions. They also do not…

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To maintain their growing stature and evolving role, CSOs/CISOs “must scale their mandate in the face of increasingly accelerated disruptive technological changes” from AI and cloud transformations, greater customer trust expectations, and a threat landscape that continues to intensify, SAP’s Lange says. Adapting to the velocity of change and providing a consistent defensible risk posture…

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Analysts point out that further efforts to block them could disrupt critical services for US enterprises. “The crackdown on Chinese telecom firms may impact the efficiency of US enterprises’ data management and global connectivity by limiting competitive options and increasing transition costs,” said Prabhu Ram, head of the Industry Intelligence Group at CyberMedia Research. “Enterprises…

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