Category: AI in news

A CISO presented with a key analytic shortcoming during an intrusion event may be more likely to overlook data quality or ethical issues in a new machine learning product they think would prevent similar incidents going forward. Or a positive support experience with an insurer during a crisis might perversely incentivize a too-comfortable relationship with…

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Jun 25, 2024NewsroomNational Security / Wikileak WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been freed in the U.K. and has departed the country after serving more than five years in a maximum security prison at Belmarsh for what was described by the U.S. government as the “largest compromises of classified information in the history” of the country.…

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Jun 25, 2024NewsroomCyber Crime / Financial Fraud Four Vietnamese nationals with ties to the FIN9 cybercrime group have been indicted in the U.S. for their involvement in a series of computer intrusions that caused over $71 million in losses to companies. The defendants, Ta Van Tai (aka Quynh Hoa and Bich Thuy), Nguyen Viet Quoc…

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Car dealerships across North America are facing ongoing disruptions as software provider CDK Global grapples with the aftermath of a cyberattack Wednesday. The company began restoring its systems Sunday, but the process is expected to take “several days,” reported Bloomberg citing a company statement. “We are continuing to actively engage with our customers and provide…

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However, over time, the malware has been used for evolved campaigns such as requesting permissions for notifications, device admin rights, or even stealthily seeking minimal sensitive permissions such as SMS, Call Logs, and Contacts. The malware, as observed till now, configures a C2 (command and control) panel which allows a set of invasive operations including…

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Paul Nakasone Joins OpenAI’s Board of Directors Former NSA Director Paul Nakasone has joined the board of OpenAI. Tags: artificial intelligence, NSA Posted on June 24, 2024 at 7:04 AM • 1 Comments Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis. Source link lol

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Jun 24, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Hacking A likely China-linked state-sponsored threat actor has been linked to a cyber espionage campaign targeting government, academic, technology, and diplomatic organizations in Taiwan between November 2023 and April 2024. Recorded Future’s Insikt Group is tracking the activity under the name RedJuliett, describing it as a cluster that operates Fuzhou,…

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How can the 76% (including Labbé) fill the gaps in their business knowledge? And how can the remaining 24% of CISOs — those who came into the role from non-tech backgrounds such as the military, law enforcement, compliance, or risk management — fill key gaps in their technical knowledge? Upskilling isn’t just for cyber workers,…

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Jun 24, 2024NewsroomMobile Security / Threat Intelligence Multiple threat actors, including cyber espionage groups, are employing an open-source Android remote administration tool called Rafel RAT to meet their operational objectives by masquerading it as Instagram, WhatsApp, and various e-commerce and antivirus apps. “It provides malicious actors with a powerful toolkit for remote administration and control,…

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Jun 22, 2024NewsroomCyber Espionage / Threat Intelligence Russian organizations have been targeted by a cybercrime gang called ExCobalt using a previously unknown Golang-based backdoor known as GoRed. “ExCobalt focuses on cyber espionage and includes several members active since at least 2016 and presumably once part of the notorious Cobalt Gang,” Positive Technologies researchers Vladislav Lunin…

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