Category: AI in news

You’re probably familiar with the term “critical assets”. These are the technology assets within your company’s IT infrastructure that are essential to the functioning of your organization. If anything happens to these assets, such as application servers, databases, or privileged identities, the ramifications to your security posture can be severe. But is every technology asset…

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Lattice-Based Cryptosystems and Quantum Cryptanalysis Quantum computers are probably coming, though we don’t know when—and when they arrive, they will, most likely, be able to break our standard public-key cryptography algorithms. In anticipation of this possibility, cryptographers have been working on quantum-resistant public-key algorithms. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has been hosting…

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The threat actors behind the CatDDoS malware botnet have exploited over 80 known security flaws in various software over the past three months to infiltrate vulnerable devices and co-opt them into a botnet for conducting distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. “CatDDoS-related gangs’ samples have used a large number of known vulnerabilities to deliver samples,” the QiAnXin…

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In 2021, a cybersecurity breach at Air India compromised the personal data of 4.5 million passengers. Additionally, that same year, the personal details of 500,000 Indian police personnel were offered for sale on a data-sharing forum. In another incident, exam data and results for 190,000 candidates from a 2020 national-level competitive exam were leaked and…

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Career advancement and recognition: CISSP certification validates your prowess as a cybersecurity professional and can open up opportunities to higher-paying positions with greater responsibilities and increased prominence in the organization. Improved job candidacy: CISSP certification signals to potential employers your prowess with and commitment to the craft of cybersecurity. The fact that the CISSP requires…

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Ways to mitigate third-party library risks There are a number of techniques to mitigate the risks of third-party libraries. Chris Wysopal, the CTO and co-founder of Veracode, tells CSO that he wants software developers to be more proactive and “invest in the right kinds of tooling to find and fix vulnerabilities in their software supply…

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May 28, 2024NewsroomData Protection / Skimming Unknown threat actors are abusing lesser-known code snippet plugins for WordPress to insert malicious PHP code in victim sites that are capable of harvesting credit card data. The campaign, observed by Sucuri on May 11, 2024, entails the abuse of a WordPress plugin called Dessky Snippets, which allows users…

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The widespread adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) has thrust it in the limelight, accelerating change across enterprises and industries. Given its potential use as a tool both for and against organisations, security leaders are keeping a watchful eye on developments in this space.  According to Foundry’s 2023 Security Priorities Study, 68% of security leaders in…

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Microsoft is calling attention to a Morocco-based cybercrime group dubbed Storm-0539 that’s behind gift card fraud and theft through highly sophisticated email and SMS phishing attacks. “Their primary motivation is to steal gift cards and profit by selling them online at a discounted rate,” the company said in its latest Cyber Signals report. “We’ve seen…

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May 27, 2024The Hacker NewsEmail Security / Browser Security The transition to the cloud, poor password hygiene and the evolution in webpage technologies have all enabled the rise in phishing attacks. But despite sincere efforts by security stakeholders to mitigate them – through email protection, firewall rules and employee education – phishing attacks are still…

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