Category: Chatgpt

Last week, F5 threat researchers spotted a Monero (XMR) crypto-mining campaign that was taking advantage of a user configuration vulnerability in the rTorrent client, specifically misconfigured XML-RPC functionality. This misconfiguration vulnerability in rTorrent allows an unauthenticated user to execute methods in the rTorrent client using HTTP requests. After deeper analysis of the attack logs, F5…

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An advanced thingbot, nicknamed Reaper (or IoTroop), was recently discovered infecting hordes of IoT devices. Reaper ups the ante for IoT security. It has a sophisticated C2 channel system and a Lua code execution environment (to deliver much more complicated attacks), and it comes prepackaged with 100 DNS open resolvers. Researchers are tracking Reaper, even…

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We have already witnessed attackers evolving their methods and markets for making money with compromised IoT devices, just like legitimate businesses and financial markets do, and IoT is a rich, trillion-dollar market based on IDC’s estimations for 2020,* ripe with vulnerable devices waiting to be exploited. Every expectation should be set that attackers will continue…

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Thankfully, this alert was a mistake and there was no real danger, but the incident raises a far broader question: how many of our critical systems are this vulnerable to human error, poor software design, and insufficient security controls, all of which were factors in the HIEMA incident? Many of the real-world systems we depend…

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Figure 2: Latest attack request targeting Windows servers   As shown in Figure 2, the latest attack requests are targeting the same URL, keeping the same HTTP header values and the same exploit structure, however, they are now using Windows shell commands to download and execute a file. Using the Windows certutil Tool While Linux…

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There’s a lot of speculation in cryptocurrency right now. People are mining coins all over the place, and even though it’s getting harder and harder to make money mining coins, interest is still high. All it costs is money for the power bill. So, of course, clever people are figuring out how to use other people’s power…

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Applications are the lifeblood of our enterprises. Not many organizations can survive in a pencil and paper world. They are all dependent on IT with applications doing the heavy lifting of arranging, tracking, processing, communicating, and calculating daily business. But applications are no longer singular programs running on one computer, they are huge collections of…

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F5 researchers recently noticed a new campaign exploiting a vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 servers (CVE–2017–7269) in order to mine Electroneum crypto-currency. Last year, ESET security researchers reported that the same IIS vulnerability was abused to mine Monero, and install malware to launch targeted attacks against organizations by the notorious “Lazarus” group.…

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Privacy today isn’t just about staying away from prying eyes. The very act of communicating across the Internet with open, non-confidential protocols invites exposure to multiple threat types. Source link lol

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It’s a sad state of Internet affairs when the US government must publish a US-CERT Alert about Russia targeting US entities through negligent network infrastructure misconfigurations.1 In Alert TA18-106A, US-CERT discloses that since 2015, the US government, in partnership with the UK, has been receiving data from numerous sources that “large numbers” of enterprise-class and…

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