Category: Chatgpt

Figure 16: QA Injection alert, “Page Injected!” Conclusion Panda’s expansion beyond traditional banking targets is following the trend we noticed during the 2017 holiday season.5 This is the first campaign we have seen targeting cryptocurrency sites, but it’s a move that makes sense, given the popularity of cryptocurrency. This act of simultaneous campaigns targeting several…

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  Most don’t, according to BuiltWith, a site that tracks the technologies websites use. Based on its latest data, a paltry .2% of sites on the Internet include CSP headers. Digging further, 8.4% of the Quantcast Top 10,000 have used CSP headers. Which sounds better until you do the math. That’s only 840 sites. By…

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  Attack Destination Ports The following ports in order of prevalence were targeted in the Singapore attacks: 5060 — clear text Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 23 — Telnet remote management 1433 — Microsoft SQL Server database 81 — Alternate web server port for host-to-host communication 7547 — TCP port used by ISPs to remotely manage…

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Figure 2: Weblogic WLS-WSAT campaign attempting to download and execute the same Windows executable file   This attempt to download the same file immediately indicated to us that the same attacker was using different exploits in the operation. Unfortunately, these files weren’t available to download from the original server nor from other malware repositories, so…

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Figure 14: Statistics of the Monero mining payment address belonging to the attacker   The attacker has earned 8.76 Monero coins by now,4 with a current price of 110.79 USD per a Monero coin,5 which totals to 970.52 USD. According to the information provided on the mining server website, this operation began around June 1.…

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BackSwap is new banking malware recently discovered by Eset1 and later analyzed by CERT Polska.2 Unlike previous banking trojans, which typically either intercept requests and redirect users to fake banking websites or inject malicious code from command and control (C&C) servers to manipulate browser processes, BackSwap keeps its campaign locally. The JavaScript is hardcoded and…

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  One of the missteps I found was that, by default, the Tor node would accept and relay BitTorrent traffic. My American ISP detected the BitTorrent traffic exiting my node and started sending me emails, and, I suspect, interfering with my network traffic (though I didn’t prove that beyond a suspicion). Fortunately, the Tor Project…

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Becky Holmes loves DMing with scammers. When it comes to romance scammers, she will do whatever it takes, pursuing them to the great delight of her fans on social media. From flings with A-listers to the lantern-jawed soldier with a heart of gold, Becky’s on a mission to unravel the weird world of online swindler…

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Threat actors continue to find creative yet relatively unsophisticated ways to launch new campaigns to reap profits from crypto-mining operations. Source link lol

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Note that each “while” loop is performing string decryption on the sequences of bytes shown in the variables above the loop. When following the execution in a debugger, the strings are decrypted, and some meaningful indicators of VM checks are visible. (See appendix for decryption function details.) In this code snippet, three checks are evident:…

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