Category: Kamban

By looking at the table of supported IP protocols, we see that the bot creates raw packets of IGMP, ICMP and TCP protocols. Those packets are just being marked with those protocol numbers, however other fields and headers are not actually set. The packet is filled with “A” characters according to the size specified by…

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Tinba, also known as “Tinybanker”, “Zusy” and “HµNT€R$”, is a banking Trojan that was first seen in the wild around May 2012. Its source code was leaked in July 2014. Cybercriminals customized the leaked code and created an even more sophisticated piece of malware that is being used to attack a large number of popular…

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VBKlip has evolved significantly from searching for IBAN data in copy-paste functionality to MITB techniques. Source link lol

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Renewed Dyre Commands Dyre uses a windows pipe for inter-process communication, passing commands from the main module it injects into the “windows explorer’ process to other processes. The commands are passed both to browsers launched by the user and stealthy worker-processes launched by the malware itself. In the new sample, most of the commands discussed…

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  Standard mobile banking trojans post their own fraudulent content over banking applications. The Yasuo-Bot malware takes it a step further by dynamically pulling fraudulent content from the C&C server. Since 2010, mobile malware is on the rise. The first mobile Trojan launched was Zitmo (Zeus in the mobile), a mobile version of the most…

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Ongoing campaign analysis has revealed that Dridex malware's latest focus has strongly shifted in recent months to US banks. Source link lol

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If an attacker wants to launch a powerful Low and Slow DDoS attack, surprisingly, he or she will find only a single tool in this bundle. That is the well-known Perl tool, which is not authored by Anonymous at all. R.U.D.Y and other slow POST tools are noticeably missing from this bundle. Another group…

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The Dridex authors frequently release updates such as new functions obfuscation and new configuration encoding to continue evading detection and mitigation techniques of security vendors. They have shifted the focus of their malware from targeting European financial institutions to new banking institutions in the United States. Evidently, the developers of the malware display great proficiency…

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Author update: July 2016 — My lifelong fascination with cryptography inspired this story, which I had the pleasure of writing two years ago. That’s a long time in “Internet” years, yet the story is still as relevant today as it was then. The data I’ve continued to collect since 2014 indicates a strong preference for…

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In May 2016, we detected a generic form grabber and IBAN (International Bank Account Number) swap script injection targeting financial institutions across the world. IBAN swapping is a technique fraudsters use to first obtain access to an account, then exchange a legitimate account number with the attacker’s destination mule account number before a funds transfer…

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