Category: Kamban

Potential Attacks and Impact We stumbled upon the issues with cellular IoT devices during our “Hunt for IoT” research of devices that were infected by Mirai. Attackers know how to exploit these systems and are actively monitoring them. Sierra Wireless, one of the largest manufacturers of cellular IoT devices, issued a public statement describing how…

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The National Police Agency in South Korea issued an urgent warning today about North Korean hacking groups targeting defense industry entities to steal valuable technology information. The police discovered several instances of successful breaches of defense companies in South Korea involving the hacking groups Lazarus, Andariel, and Kimsuky, all part of the North Korean hacking…

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It’s up to everyone — users, security pros, government — to be critical about the online information we encounter. In the weeks since indictments were handed down from the ongoing investigation into Russia’s influence over the 2016 United States election, much has come to light. A picture has emerged of a massive global effort to…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report based on the results of an F5-commissioned Ponemon survey of 3,135 IT and security practitioners across the globe. Additional research conducted by Whatcom Community College, University of Washington Tacoma, along with data from White Hat Security and Loryka served to make this one of…

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In August 2018 when we presented our research on the extreme vulnerability of many emergency services vehicles due to their use of onboard cellular gateways, we hoped to get the attention of people who could help change things. After all, when you tell the world you’ve been able to easily track police cruisers, in real-time,…

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​The Department of State has started imposing visa restrictions on mercenary spyware makers and peddlers, prohibiting their entry into the United States, as announced earlier in February. The crackdown has begun with 13 individuals and their close families (i.e., spouses and children) linked to commercial spyware operations. Taken pursuant to Section 212 (a)(3)(C) of the…

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Any CISO who’s been around the block understands Erik’s words. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and get started by understanding the scope of the problem. Understand Needs The first step in any security project is to be sure you have a clear inventory of your asset and applications. Everything flows from them. For most,…

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‘A lot of people thought Broadcom would treat VMware differently, and it turns out no. It was the second week of January when the partner stuff got announced and it was like the floodgates opened. I’m still up at night sending emails like I’m an inside sales guy, just trying to help the team,’ Scale…

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‘Automation Anywhere is already a leader in automation, but they’ve just combined this with generative AI, and this is having a game-changing impact on both cost and [customer experience] for their customers,’ says Tim McDonough, Automation Anywhere CMO. Automation Anywhere, a vendor of AI-powered process automation software, has named Intel veteran Tim McDonough as the…

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