Jul 16, 2024NewsroomMobile Security / Online Security ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt ffrt…

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Image: MidjourneyMicrosoft says the Scattered Spider cybercrime gang has added Qilin ransomware to its arsenal and is now using it in attacks. “In the second quarter of 2024, financially motivated threat actor Octo Tempest, our most closely tracked ransomware threat actor, added RansomHub and Qilin to its ransomware payloads in campaigns,” Microsoft said Monday. After surfacing…

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This post was written by John Dwyer, Director of Security Research at Binary Defense, and made possible through the contributions of TrustedSec Senior Research Analyst Kevin Haubris and Eric Gonzalez of Binary Defense. ARC Labs recently recovered a tool leveraged in Qilin ransomware attacks aimed at impairing defenses by disabling popular endpoint detection and response…

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Microsoft has finally fixed a known Outlook issue, confirmed in February, which was triggering incorrect security alerts after installing the December security updates for Outlook Desktop. The company acknowledged the bug in early February after many Microsoft 365 users reported seeing unexpected warnings that “This location may be unsafe” and “Microsoft Office has identified a…

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As a CIO, I often wish for a world where the threat landscape is less expansive and complicated than it is today. Unfortunately, the reality is quite different. This month, I find myself particularly focused on the idea that our digital business would come to a grinding halt without the technology ecosystem that supports it.…

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Harrell tells CRN that managed security services and advisory services—leveraging Dataminr’s AI platform—represent massive opportunities for partners. AI platform provider Dataminr announced Tuesday it has hired former Cloudflare channel chief Matt Harrell as its new chief partner officer, with the company looking to intensify its push with partners around security services. Speaking with CRN, Harrell…

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Identity-based threats on SaaS applications are a growing concern among security professionals, although few have the capabilities to detect and respond to them. According to the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), 90% of all cyberattacks begin with phishing, an identity-based threat. Throw in attacks that use stolen credentials, over-provisioned accounts, and insider threats,…

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Speculations on the method Cybersecurity experts pointed out that in recent incidents, hackers have breached Slack accounts by exploiting stolen or leaked API keys. “Developers often integrate Slack into their automation tools, and in the process, sometimes accidentally leak these keys on code-sharing sites like GitHub or API platforms like Postman,” said Rahul Sasi, CEO…

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Compromised call and text records AT&T disclosed the breach in an SEC filing and said no actual content of any of the calls or texts had been compromised. “The data does not contain the content of calls or texts, personal information such as Social Security numbers, dates of birth, or other personally identifiable information,” the…

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Cybersixgill Insider Threats: Government and military Transcending from cybercrime to espionage, we discovered several posts in which actors solicited governmental or government-affiliated insiders to provide information. This includes individuals, like in the image below, who can provide national citizen databases to assist in doxing. An actor seeking an insider in the French government to provide…

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