This year, it seems like you can hardly turn around without bumping into some commentary on a breach. There’s expert analysis on every blog. The trade press eats up controversy stirred up by responses. Twitter trends. My inbox fills up with quotes and offers to hear more about the breach. It’s all bad news, so…

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From these 49 breaches, it is apparent that the “Information” industry is the most vulnerable by more than double of any other industry. By nature, the “Information” industry has massive amounts of data available to be harvested for resale and other malicious use, as opposed to the relatively small amount of data or high-dollar information…

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Figure 1: Bug types across valid submissions shows a decline in low value bug types such as clickjacking, and steady submissions in XSS and mobile bugs.  XSS, SQLi, and CSRF are among the OWASP “Top Ten”, with reams of documentation, tutorials, code samples, and tools capable of discovering these bugs before applications are introduced to the wild. One…

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When it comes to crossing the US border, we used to worry about the simple things—too many souvenirs to avoid paying import duties, lines short enough to get to a bathroom in a reasonable timeframe, maybe concerns about which fruits and vegetables could be kept from the last grocery run. Today, we’ve got one more…

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Another week, another threat. This week dawned with a spate of twitchy fingers telling us about the latest monster to emerge from the closets: KRACK. KRACK stands for Key Reinstallation Attack. You can read the details of this one on a variety of sites including Arstechnica,1 Verge,2 and, as befitting the seriousness of this one, its own website.3…

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The recently released F5 and Ponemon report, “The Evolving Role of CISOs and their Importance to the Business,” unearthed some disconcerting results about CISO effectiveness. In particular, the following survey question spoke to this point specifically: Are security operations aligned with business objectives? Fully – 26% Partially – 34% Not – 40% Surprisingly, only a quarter of…

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I recently had the opportunity to sit down with two of F5’s top threat researchers, Sara Boddy and Justin Shattuck, to pick their brains about IoT, its current state of “security,” and what we can expect to see in terms of threats, attacks, and mitigations in the future. Justin and Sara are co-authors of three IoT threat research…

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Every year, we try to pull back the curtain on the future of application delivery by looking at those trends and technologies that impact it the most. Containers. Cloud. Digital Transformation. Automation. All have an impact on applications and their architectures, which in turn has significant implications for application delivery and the businesses that rely…

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Depending on third parties is inescapable. Every organization needs software, hardware, Internet connectivity, power, and buildings. It’s unlikely they’re going to do all those things themselves. That means that organizations must be dependent on others outside themselves. With that dependence comes risk. F5 recently partnered with Ponemon Institute to survey CISOs. In the report, The Evolving…

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This isn’t your mama’s botnet. This is a proper botnet. If you were the world’s best IoT botnet builder and you wanted to show the world how well-crafted an IoT botnet could be, Reaper is what you’d build. It hasn’t been seen attacking anyone yet, and that is part of its charm. But, what is…

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