It’s hard to get through any news cycle today without bots coming up. Those we hear about most spread spam, propagate fake news, or create fake profiles and content on social media sites—often to influence public opinion, spark social unrest, or tamper with elections. During the 2016 US presidential election debates, bots were used on…

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We wrote an article recently asking security leaders to talk about their past failures and the lessons they wanted to pass on to others. We called it If I Had to Do It Over Again, and our readers really liked it. A number of folks approached me wanting to tell their stories as well, so…

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After the vulnerable server decodes the string, it is instructed to download a malicious file. The malicious request after decoding is: oProxyCommand= wget Again, in this case the threat actor took down the malicious file download.php before the researchers could download it to analyze. Weathermap Editor (cacti plugin) Arbitrary Code Execution (CVE-2013-3739) Another known…

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Apr 23, 2024NewsroomCounterintelligence / National Security German authorities said they have issued arrest warrants against three citizens on suspicion of spying for China. The full names of the defendants were not disclosed by the Office of the Federal Prosecutor (aka Generalbundesanwalt), but it includes Herwig F., Ina F., and Thomas R. “The suspects are strongly…

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Conclusion Continuing the trend from January, threat actors in February delivered crypto-miners and Mirai variants. Most of the vulnerabilities exploited in February are not new, however, they are known vulnerabilities in popular applications and systems. In these cases, a threat actor is not looking for a specific target, but instead tries to exploit as many…

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Team leader, network administrator, data miner, money specialist. These are just some of the roles making a difference at today’s enterprises. The same is also true for sophisticated cyber-gangs. Many still wrongly believe that the dark web is exclusively inhabited by hoodie-clad teenagers and legions of disaffected disruptors. The truth is, the average hacker is…

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Recently, threat researchers from F5 Networks spotted a new campaign targeting Elasticsearch systems. It leverages an exploit from 2014 to spread several new malwares designed to deploy an XMR (Monero) mining operation. The campaign exploits a five-year-old vulnerability (CVE-2014-3120) in Elasticsearch systems running on both Windows and Linux platforms to mine XMR cryptocurrency. On Linux,…

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Apr 23, 2024NewsroomEnd-to-End Encryption / Privacy European Police Chiefs said that the complementary partnership between law enforcement agencies and the technology industry is at risk due to end-to-end encryption (E2EE). They called on the industry and governments to take urgent action to ensure public safety across social media platforms. “Privacy measures currently being rolled out,…

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Cybersecurity breaches can be devastating for both individuals and businesses alike. While many people tend to focus on understanding how and why they were targeted by such breaches, there’s a larger, more pressing question: What is the true financial impact of a cyberattack? According to research by Cybersecurity Ventures, the global cost of cybercrime is…

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Hackers have a soft spot for targeting cryptocurrencies thanks to a lack of heavy regulation unlike traditional financial services. Cryptocurrency funds have no legal obligation to implement protection measures, so inherently they are not as exhaustive or technical. This makes them prime targets for hackers. Transactions can be extremely difficult to reverse, so although some…

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