Attacks Types of Top Attacking IP Addresses Of the top 50 IP addresses attacking systems in the U.S., the most IP addresses were assigned in the U.S. (40%). The remainder of the top 50 attacking IP addresses were geographically distributed around the globe with 14% coming from South Korea, 6% each coming from Russia and…

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Looking at cloud breaches over the last few years, it’s easy to get the impression that most were easily avoidable events that occurred due to silly misconfigurations, ugly failure modes, or borderline negligent architectures. To put it bluntly, these cloud breaches look stupid. But the people and the organizations designing and running these systems—both the…

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The script uses random function and variable names to avoid detection by antivirus engines. It also contains another Base64-encoded payload. The threat actor uses .Net APIs to call the Windows API. For example, the script uses the .NET API to find address of VirtualAlloc function exported by kernel32.dll. It then marshals the shellcode by using…

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Attacks Types of the Top Attacking IP Addresses The top 50 IP addresses attacking systems in Canada were geographically spread fairly evenly. Eight percent are assigned to South Korea, and closely following, with 7% are assigned in the U.S. Though smaller in number, the three Canadian IP addresses in the top attacking IP address list…

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Applications have become the infrastructure of the internet. They are in everything from phones to thermostats, cars to power grids. And for every digital transformation enabled by apps, the application itself is a primary target, along with the business logic it supports and all its underlying data. For one thing, an app isn’t just an…

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Latin American systems received more attacks from IP addresses within the region that coincidentally did not attack anywhere else in the world. Source link lol

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Completely investigating the underlying server architecture and CNC structure of banking trojans such as DanaBot is an area of continuing research for the F5 malware team. Conclusion As with all banking trojans, DanaBot actively updates its tactics, techniques, and target list to both avoid detection and maintain continual operations to optimize the attacker’s financial reward.…

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The F5 2019 State of Application Services Report noted that more than half (53%) of respondents were more confident about protecting applications on premises than in the public cloud (38%). It is normal to be uneasy about cloud security. Security in the cloud is a double-edged sword: it can render traditional security measures impotent, but…

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The cloud, like every other technology, was developed to help us do more things faster and more efficiently. It’s a business tool that provides the self-service flexibility of on-demand technological services decoupled from the need to physically deliver hardware and software. Organizations are flocking to leverage this power, but there are nagging questions: Is cloud…

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F5 Labs, in conjunction with our partner Baffin Bay Networks, research global attack traffic region to region to gain a deeper understanding of the cyber threat landscape. Aside from attack campaigns targeting the entire Internet (IPv4 address space), the attack landscape varied regionally in terms of sources, targets, and attack types. In addition, targeted ports exposed…

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