Tag: Access Tier

  Slave is financial malware written in Visual Basic. Since 2015 it has evolved from relatively simple IBAN swapping of destination bank account numbers to stealthy browser infection, function hooking, and unique webinjects. Slave conducts its attack by hooking the Internet browser functions and manipulating their code for various fraudulent activities. This manipulation can be…

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  The latest evolution of cyber weaponry is brought to you by the default passwords in Internet of Things (IoT) devices. That includes just about every conceivable modern electronic device—from home thermostats, lighting systems, refrigerators, cars, and water meters, to personal fitness devices, toasters, bicycle helmets, toys, and even shoes and clothing. Today, the number…

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Figure 1: How an LDAP reflection-amplification attack works LDAP’s Weak Spot LDAP is used to query resources such as networks, systems, applications, and services throughout an organization network. This protocol is typically served over TCP, which requires a connection to be established before data is transferred. But, in this case, because the source IP address…

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So far, we’ve seen IoT Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks on a Death Star scale. Even if your organization wasn’t a direct target of these giant barrages, many others were caught up as collateral damage because they had services adjacent or dependent on the direct target. Because of this, many organizations are preparing or strengthening their…

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But that’s not the worst news coming out of this survey. No, not by any stretch of the imagination is that the bad news. Sit down and strap in, because it gets much worse. In spite of pushing vulnerable applications into production (and into the hands of consumers), a staggering 44% admitted they aren’t doing anything to…

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2016 has been called “the year of stolen credentials,” and with good reason. Between the massive breaches at Yahoo, LinkedIn, MySpace, Tumblr,1 Twitter,2 and Dropbox,3 just to name a few, it’s estimated that over 2 billion records were stolen. Although attackers steal all kinds of data, a vast majority of what’s stolen are user credentials,…

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All businesses watch their bottom line. That’s unsurprising. Those that provide technology to consumers (whether IoT device manufacturers or your local ISP that provides your home router) are particularly careful about balancing product support with ease of use. That can lead to what the inventors no doubt believe is an ingenious method of determining passwords…

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Seven minutes until his next meeting, Charles Clutterbuck, the CFO of Boring Aeroplanes, had just enough time to answer a few emails. He flopped onto his padded leather chair and tapped out his password. A dozen emails glowed unread at the top of his inbox stack. He skimmed down the list of names and subjects…

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  Through these sites, it’s not hard for phishers to gather up a list of names of employees at a specific organization. Social Media and Personal Information Despite the security team’s best efforts to prevent it, employees will share and spread information about themselves all over the Internet. Social media companies expend tremendous effort to…

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Executive Summary The Internet of Things (IoT) and, specifically, the hunt for exploitable IoT devices by attackers, has been a primary area of research for F5 Labs for over a year now—and with good reason. IoT devices are becoming the “cyberweapon delivery system of choice” by today’s botnet-building attackers. And, why not? There are literally…

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