Tag: Access Tier

On Dec 8, 2017, 4iQ reported the discovery of a database on the dark web containing 1.4 billion credentials—in clear text.1 The fine writers of the aforementioned article note that they’ve “tested a subset of these passwords and most of them have been verified to be true.” 1.4 billion. A standard calculator (like the one…

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Anything we put online must swim in a sea of enemies. The F5 Labs report, Lessons Learned from a Decade of Data Breaches, revealed that an average breach leaked 35 million records. Nearly 90% of the US population’s social security numbers have been breached to cyber criminals. When confronted by staggering statistics like these, it is…

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Figure 2: Alternative C&C server address hosted on Pastebin.com   One of the challenges that adversaries need to deal with is how to maintain a sustainable C&C infrastructure without being quickly denylisted by enterprise security solutions, or being frequently shut down by ISPs and hosting services following law enforcement and security vendors’ abuse reports. Many…

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We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary here at F5 Labs, the application threat intelligence division of F5! Although F5 researchers have been providing threat-related, F5-specific guidance to our customers for many years through DevCentral, the time was right a year ago today to launch a dedicated website that provides the general public with vendor-neutral, application-focused, actionable…

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It’s a sad state of Internet affairs when the US government must publish a US-CERT Alert about Russia targeting US entities through negligent network infrastructure misconfigurations.1 In Alert TA18-106A, US-CERT discloses that since 2015, the US government, in partnership with the UK, has been receiving data from numerous sources that “large numbers” of enterprise-class and…

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Figure 16: QA Injection alert, “Page Injected!” Conclusion Panda’s expansion beyond traditional banking targets is following the trend we noticed during the 2017 holiday season.5 This is the first campaign we have seen targeting cryptocurrency sites, but it’s a move that makes sense, given the popularity of cryptocurrency. This act of simultaneous campaigns targeting several…

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Executive Summary Like coral reefs teeming with a variety of life, web applications are “colony creatures.” They consist of a multitude of independent components, running in separate environments with different operational requirements and supporting infrastructure (both in the cloud and on premises) glued together across networks. In this report, we examine that series of interacting…

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Ever wonder what security professionals see as their main barrier to achieving a strong application security posture? We wondered that, too, so we asked them. As part of F5 Labs’ first annual Application Protection Report, F5, in conjunction with Ponemon Institute, surveyed security professionals on a slew of security-related topics. In answer to this particular…

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  Attack Destination Ports The following ports in order of prevalence were targeted in the Singapore attacks: 5060 — clear text Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) 23 — Telnet remote management 1433 — Microsoft SQL Server database 81 — Alternate web server port for host-to-host communication 7547 — TCP port used by ISPs to remotely manage…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report based on the results of an F5-commissioned Ponemon survey of 3,135 IT and security practitioners across the globe. Additional research conducted by Whatcom Community College, University of Washington Tacoma, along with data from White Hat Security and Loryka served to make this one of…

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