Tag: Access Tier

The number of Mirai scanner systems across the world decreased slightly from December 2017 to June 2018. There is less concentration of scanner systems in North America, South America, and Asia in June 2018 versus December 2017. Europe is the only region where Mirai scanner infections remained relatively the same from December 2017 to June…

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Imagine you’re a military leader. What if I offered you a weapon to cleanly take out enemy infrastructure with minimal incidental civilian deaths? It has near-infinite operational reach and it’s highly stealthy. Oh, and it’s cheap compared to say, strategic missiles, which cost about a million or so dollars apiece.1 Well, have I got a…

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Data from the Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center (R-CISC) echoes the F5 SOC findings and shows that dramatic increases in shopping activity actually continue into January, making retailers a likely target of attackers.1 In a 2018 survey of R-CISC members, respondents expressed their concern, identifying phishing, credential compromise, and account takeover (ATO) among their top…

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At F5, we dedicate a lot of time to identifying and validating vulnerabilities. We use a variety of vulnerability scanning tools at a regular, frequent tempo to give us an up-to-date picture of our risk footprint. On top of that, we pay attention to user reporting, information we get from various threat intelligence sources, and…

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What is Certificate Transparency? Certificate Transparency (CT) is a method for publicly logging, auditing, and monitoring the creation of new SSL/TLS (digital) certificates. Originally a concept from Google, CT is now an open standard under RFC 6962, albeit still an experimental one. Originally designed to enhance the veracity of Extended Validation (EV) certificates, many certificate…

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It’s hard to get through any news cycle today without bots coming up. Those we hear about most spread spam, propagate fake news, or create fake profiles and content on social media sites—often to influence public opinion, spark social unrest, or tamper with elections. During the 2016 US presidential election debates, bots were used on…

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F5 Labs published the first edition of our annual Application Protection Report in July 2018. For that report, we collaborated with Whitehat Security, Loryka, the Ponemon Institute, and Whatcom Community College’s Cybersecurity Center to analyze a wide range of data from 2017, and offer a comprehensive breakdown on the threats, tactics, vulnerabilities and impacts facing…

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Introduction This year we are releasing our 2019 Application Protection Report as a series of short, tightly focused episodes. This helps ensure we provide timely threat intelligence that our readers can add to their own threat models and use to prepare appropriate defenses and responses. Last episode, we focused on PHP’s continuing run as one…

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There's often a gap between what we say we need for an effective security posture, and what we actually do. Examining the gaps between "best practices" and reality helps us get to more tangible results. Source link lol

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The table in Figure 4 shows the top 50 ASNs attacking Australia from Dec 1, 2018 to March 1, 2019 in order of highest to lowest number of attacks. Interestingly, these top 50 networks were split fifty-fifty between ISPs and hosting companies whereas the company types attacking other regions lean heavier towards ISPs. For comparison,…

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