Tag: Access Tier

In this series, we examine how the reality of a security program differs from the perception some security practioners hold. To do this, we’re focusing on four specific gaps that can weaken security defenses and instigate security incidents. For example, consider the rising number of cloud breaches caused by engineers disabling basic access control, either…

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Comparing ports targeted in Canada versus the US, Europe, or Australia, Canada was the only region where DNS port 53 and the UPnP port 37215 were on the top 20 targeted port list. The UPnP port relates to Huawei small office home office (SOHO) routers with a Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability (CVE-2017-17215 and Exploit…

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Advanced Attackers Like criminal actors, state-sponsored actors or APTs often initiate their illicit access campaigns with spear phishing. However, advanced actors have more time and resources on their hands, and can fashion something of value even from apparently useless data. Large caches of innocuous information, such as email addresses, can be used to look for…

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What is the Problem with IoT Security? Security guru Dan Geer notes that the cybersecurity industry came of age with the introduction of Windows 95 and its built-in TCP/IP stack. Suddenly every home computer was on the Internet in a world “where every sociopath is your next-door neighbor.” These home computers were poorly administered by…

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In 2018 we published our first Application Protection Report, which summarized trends and attack patterns for 2017 across multiple disciplines of information security and offered a big picture strategy for controlling application risk. We created that report in order to provide three things that we felt the security industry needs: a specific focus on application…

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The next step in this process is to convert the decrypted and decompressed data file from binary into a human readable format. The following python snippet provides a regular expression that will roughly split the injects from one another: import re regex_res = re.split(‘[x00]{1}[x00-xff]{7}[x00]{2}[x01-xff]{1}’, data[7:]) The steps outlined here can be used on the different…

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The US Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS CISA) has cited ransomware as “the most visible cybersecurity risk” attacking American IT systems. I think that’s a valid statement, since “most visible” doesn’t necessarily mean largest or most devastating, but it does still qualify ransomware as a significant threat. Indeed, it seems…

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Introduction Ten months ago we asked a rhetorical question: will losses from cryptocurrency exchange hacks hit one billion dollars in 2018? Indeed, they did. Cryptocurrency theft is growing both in terms of frequency of attacks and breadth of targets. Attackers aren’t just cryptojacking and targeting exchanges. According to endpoint security provider Carbon Black, $1.1 billion…

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During June and July, F5 researchers first noticed Trickbot campaigns aimed at a smaller set of geographically oriented targets and did not use redirection attacks—a divergence from previous Trickbot characteristics. In this research, we compared two different target configurations, one older, more “traditional” configuration that uses redirection, and a new Trickbot configuration that does not…

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Introduction Welcome to F5 Labs’ third annual report on phishing and fraud. Once again, we’re bringing you data from our partner Webroot® as well as the F5 Security Operations Center. Phishing continues to be a major source of profit for cyber-criminals, and a big hassle for cyber-defenders. In the F5 Labs 2019 Application Protection Report,…

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