Tag: App Infrastructure Attacks

We’re celebrating our one-year anniversary here at F5 Labs, the application threat intelligence division of F5! Although F5 researchers have been providing threat-related, F5-specific guidance to our customers for many years through DevCentral, the time was right a year ago today to launch a dedicated website that provides the general public with vendor-neutral, application-focused, actionable…

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Privacy today isn’t just about staying away from prying eyes. The very act of communicating across the Internet with open, non-confidential protocols invites exposure to multiple threat types. Source link lol

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Executive Summary Like coral reefs teeming with a variety of life, web applications are “colony creatures.” They consist of a multitude of independent components, running in separate environments with different operational requirements and supporting infrastructure (both in the cloud and on premises) glued together across networks. In this report, we examine that series of interacting…

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Ever wonder what security professionals see as their main barrier to achieving a strong application security posture? We wondered that, too, so we asked them. As part of F5 Labs’ first annual Application Protection Report, F5, in conjunction with Ponemon Institute, surveyed security professionals on a slew of security-related topics. In answer to this particular…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report based on the results of an F5-commissioned Ponemon survey of 3,135 IT and security practitioners across the globe. Additional research conducted by Whatcom Community College, University of Washington Tacoma, along with data from White Hat Security and Loryka served to make this one of…

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Every CISO dreams of the unhackable computer. A common method of bullet-proofing a system is to disconnect it from the outside world.1 No Internet. No wireless. No modem. Then you surround the computer with guards and gates. This is called an air-gapped system and it is supposedly hack-proof. In reality, it’s not. In 2010, the…

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The number of Mirai scanner systems across the world decreased slightly from December 2017 to June 2018. There is less concentration of scanner systems in North America, South America, and Asia in June 2018 versus December 2017. Europe is the only region where Mirai scanner infections remained relatively the same from December 2017 to June…

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Data from the Retail Cyber Intelligence Sharing Center (R-CISC) echoes the F5 SOC findings and shows that dramatic increases in shopping activity actually continue into January, making retailers a likely target of attackers.1 In a 2018 survey of R-CISC members, respondents expressed their concern, identifying phishing, credential compromise, and account takeover (ATO) among their top…

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When this happens, customers are seeing lots of DNS queries from a wide variety of never-seen-before addresses. Often these requests are for nonsensical domains or even ‘localhost’ addresses, as they are bot-generated as with the DNS water torture attack. Sometimes attackers will use large Internet DNS resolvers like Yahoo or Google to reflect their attacks…

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Advanced Attackers Like criminal actors, state-sponsored actors or APTs often initiate their illicit access campaigns with spear phishing. However, advanced actors have more time and resources on their hands, and can fashion something of value even from apparently useless data. Large caches of innocuous information, such as email addresses, can be used to look for…

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