Tag: Architecture

“Quantity has a quality all its own”—a quote apocryphally attributed to Joseph Stalin. As part of the research that went into F5 Labs’ 2018 Application Protection Report, we surveyed information security professionals. We found that 37% of respondents were from organizations with more than 5,000 people. Here’s how the percentages broke down: What is the…

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Looking at cloud breaches over the last few years, it’s easy to get the impression that most were easily avoidable events that occurred due to silly misconfigurations, ugly failure modes, or borderline negligent architectures. To put it bluntly, these cloud breaches look stupid. But the people and the organizations designing and running these systems—both the…

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We launched the CISO-to-CISO section of F5 Labs in January 2017, with a welcome message from then F5 CISO, Mike Convertino, talking about how we want to encourage security leaders to share and openly discuss ideas on how they protect their organizations. It’s all about security leaders sharing advice for other security leaders. Well, three…

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Unpacking Zero Trust As A Concept Since the term “zero trust” was coined in 1994 by Stephen Paul Marsh in his doctoral thesis, it’s gone through a lot of changes. So many, in fact, that security practitioners often find themselves with a mandate to implement it without a good understanding of how to do so.…

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