Tag: automation

Automation Risks There are a number of container and automation frameworks out there that seek to make scale as effortless as the click of a mouse. Some of them are rising quickly due to the excitement over containers, like Mesos and Kubernetes. Others have been around for a while—think Puppet, Chef, VMware, Cisco, and OpenStack.…

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We’re in an exciting time in our profession. There is a lot of new technology, a huge demand for our skills, and a bright future that promises only more work for us. Yet, this excitement is a two-edged blade. We often hear from peers about how hard it is to hire good security folks. My…

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Nothing makes security look worse than the false negative – when we miss an attack and damage is suffered. As security professionals, it’s something we all obsess a lot about. However, the number two thing that makes us look bad is the false positive. We experience this all the time in the physical world. A…

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By now, it is obvious to everyone that widespread remote working is accelerating the trend of digitization in society that has been happening for decades. What takes longer for most people to identify are the derivative trends. One such trend is that increased reliance on online applications means that cybercrime is becoming even more lucrative.…

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Information security often takes the form of an arms race, as attackers develop novel ways to use or abuse services on the web to their own benefit, and defenders scramble to adapt to and block these new techniques. Few technologies better exemplify this arms race than the web element known as CAPTCHA. This component is…

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There’s something undeniably compelling about a good myth. Maybe that’s because a dose of escapism does our brain good, and it’s fun to spend a few moments wondering about deadly alligators populating the New York City sewer system or Walt Disney’s cryogenically frozen head waiting to be brought back to life. But while those myths…

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“Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill’s paraphrased wisdom rings true 72 years later as we brace ourselves for evolving cyber threats. Many companies have thousands of applications with long lost source code written by developers from days gone by, and no solution in place to understand the…

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Bots are not new. Attackers have used bots to achieve scalability in a variety of attack techniques for decades, and defenders have been fighting bots, to varying degrees of success, for just as long. However, two events in 2022—the prolonged acquisition of Twitter by Elon Musk, with its attendant discussion about exactly how much of…

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From January to April 2023, Healthcare had the highest levels of unwanted Web automation. However, this automation saw a significant decrease in May 2023 before rebounding in June. The Hospitality industry has seen a steady increase in automation starting off as the eighth most targeted industry in January 2023 with 11.7% automation. This peaked in…

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In contrast, identity providers in media, retail, and travel tended to see higher overlap, particularly among bot traffic in the travel industry. (High overlaps for aggregators in media and retail are skewed by a comparatively miniscule number of accounts submitted.) The technology industry showed narrow distributions for all three categories, which partly reflects the fact…

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