Tag: banking trojan

Note that each “while” loop is performing string decryption on the sequences of bytes shown in the variables above the loop. When following the execution in a debugger, the strings are decrypted, and some meaningful indicators of VM checks are visible. (See appendix for decryption function details.) In this code snippet, three checks are evident:…

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Figure 4: Dynamically resolving Windows API functions In conclusion, sometimes changes, even minor ones such as this one, are enough to break a working automation process, and they require some time to investigate. That’s how the malware’s authors gain precious time to defraud unsuspecting victims before security vendors can denylist their servers. As a reminder,…

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First detected in May 2018, DanaBot is a fraud trojan that has since shifted its targets from banks in Australia to banks in Europe, as well as global email providers such as Google, Microsoft and Yahoo for the holiday phishing season. Source link lol

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In the Ramnit configuration, there were a number of targets that didn’t belong to a particular company or website: Instead, there were several words in French, Italian, and English. This is an innovation we have not seen in previous Ramnit configurations. It appears as though the Ramnit authors cast a wider net in hopes of…

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Panda’s target list includes two productivity web applications that use Ajax. This is notable because unlike web applications that execute completely on a server, Ajax applications utilize functions across both the client and the server. This extends the possible attack surface, and allows for more opportunities to potentially inject malicious code, steal sessions/authentication tokens, or…

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Conclusion Banking trojans—malware designed to attack the customers of financial institutions and engage in fraudulent activity when they log into a target bank—are just as effective now as they were a decade ago. One reason is because malware authors are good at evading detection, and many organizations have yet to implement web fraud prevention systems…

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(We wanted to give an assessment of JS redirection content, but it was not reachable at the time of writing; we can assume by script name it had an output of a blank page response or other misleading action.) Conclusion Gootkit remains active by maintaining this campaign of redirection. We’ve noticed multiple configurations targeting the…

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The next step in this process is to convert the decrypted and decompressed data file from binary into a human readable format. The following python snippet provides a regular expression that will roughly split the injects from one another: import re regex_res = re.split(‘[x00]{1}[x00-xff]{7}[x00]{2}[x01-xff]{1}’, data[7:]) The steps outlined here can be used on the different…

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During June and July, F5 researchers first noticed Trickbot campaigns aimed at a smaller set of geographically oriented targets and did not use redirection attacks—a divergence from previous Trickbot characteristics. In this research, we compared two different target configurations, one older, more “traditional” configuration that uses redirection, and a new Trickbot configuration that does not…

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Completely investigating the underlying server architecture and CNC structure of banking trojans such as DanaBot is an area of continuing research for the F5 malware team. Conclusion As with all banking trojans, DanaBot actively updates its tactics, techniques, and target list to both avoid detection and maintain continual operations to optimize the attacker’s financial reward.…

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