Tag: Beyond Corp

Before you can go beyond something, you have to get there first. The perimeter’s imminent demise has been forecast by any number of people and, to a certain extent, they have a point. Once you start placing lots of gates in your fence and move half your livestock outside of it, you start to wonder…

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“Quantity has a quality all its own”—a quote apocryphally attributed to Joseph Stalin. As part of the research that went into F5 Labs’ 2018 Application Protection Report, we surveyed information security professionals. We found that 37% of respondents were from organizations with more than 5,000 people. Here’s how the percentages broke down: What is the…

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Many companies and organizations around the world have issued mandatory work-from-home policies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When companies find themselves in a situation like we are in today, going from a zero percent remote workforce to 100 percent in a matter of days, it can be daunting. What used to be safe, thanks to…

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