Tag: Certificate Authorities

What is Certificate Transparency? Certificate Transparency (CT) is a method for publicly logging, auditing, and monitoring the creation of new SSL/TLS (digital) certificates. Originally a concept from Google, CT is now an open standard under RFC 6962, albeit still an experimental one. Originally designed to enhance the veracity of Extended Validation (EV) certificates, many certificate…

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Creating an encrypted HTTPS website depends on a lot more than simply throwing a digital certificate at it and hoping for the best. In fact, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and HTTPS misconfigurations are now so commonplace that in the 2021 OWASP Top 10, Cryptographic Failures now comes in second place…. Source link lol

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Mutual Transport Layer Security (mTLS) allows two parties to authenticate each other during the initial connection of an SSL/TLS handshake. Source link lol

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