Most blogs are written in the first person, and this one is for a particular reason. I myself am half Filipino, have had transactions with Filipino government systems, and I am also a security expert. So, my personal insight may be more useful and impactful than a corporate statement. The 2018 Philippine Identification System Act,…

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Nothing makes security look worse than the false negative – when we miss an attack and damage is suffered. As security professionals, it’s something we all obsess a lot about. However, the number two thing that makes us look bad is the false positive. We experience this all the time in the physical world. A…

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Released as open-source software in 2009, Bitcoins are created as a reward for a process known as mining and can be exchanged for other currencies, products, and services. Much has been discussed about its robustness, so, could the notion that a 51% attack on a blockchain could move from ‘theoretical’ to ‘possible’? Read the full…

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In July 2018, F5 released its first annual Application Protection Report. As part of the report, F5 commissioned Ponemon to survey of 3,135 IT security practitioners across the world. The survey collected information about respondent’s application security processes. A key question asked for respondents to name their organization’s primary owner of application risk. In theory,…

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As the world’s ongoing conversion to the digital realm continues, the risks involved with protecting sensitive information will only intensify. For security teams, this means expanding your view of risk and considering factors outside your company when evaluating potential motivations for a breach. Companies have to keep an eye on current events in ways that…

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Managing cybersecurity and protecting the business should be a team effort, so don’t let your CISO become the easy scapegoat when things go wrong. Source link lol

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IoT attacks, budget shortfalls, and the skills gap are among the problems keeping security pros up at night. The world of cybersecurity gets more intriguing every year. In 2017, security professionals saw their share of attacks, but the increasing sophistication of the skirmishes is notable — with almost machine-like weaponization of code on the attackers’…

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Say you’ve got a hundred attacks coming into your organization at a given moment. Control Number One filters out 80% of threats to give us only 20 attacks to worry about. Not bad. And then Control Number Two whacks nearly a third of those. Now the total has dropped to 13. Not a great control,…

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In my year-long research project, the F5 Labs’ 2018 Application Protection Report, I asked if security professionals used storage encryption for data and applications. About 19% of survey respondents said they didn’t do any while 39% said they used encryption most of the time and 42% said they used it some of the time. What…

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In simpler times, cybersecurity was a fairly straightforward proposition. You had your firewall, your gateway. You monitored traffic and scanned for viruses. The bad guys weren’t even always that bad, per se. Sometimes they were just there for kicks. But these are not simpler times. In today’s world of sophisticated criminals, hacktivism, espionage and cyber…

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