Predictions are a risky business. If you play it too conservatively, you tell everyone what they already know and just get an eye roll for your trouble. If you go out on a limb and get it wrong, people stop listening to you. That’s why, as we unwisely return to the task of predicting the…

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Credential stuffing sounds simple: attackers test stolen usernames and passwords across sites to see what works. After the hype and complexity of vulnerabilities like Heartbleed and Spectre, password reuse seems easy to dismiss. This has caused credential stuffing to become the most underrated attack of the 2010s and it hints at the future of application…

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The conflict in Ukraine brings the possibility of increased cyberattacks targeting the public infrastructure of NATO nations and their allies, and could easily extend to corporations and other entities within those countries as well. The US CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) has provided technical guidance and reporting methods at https://www.cisa.gov/shields-up which is an excellent…

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As Covid-19 drives a higher volume of transactions online, the dance between cyber-criminals and security professionals has stepped up a beat. Enterprises are re-assessing the robustness of their systems, while bad actors are on the look-out for vulnerabilities to exploit. Under lockdown measures, organisations have been forced to reassess their physical environments. Now they must…

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Every day, we hear about the new “innovative” ways that hackers use to infiltrate devices to inject ransomware or steal invaluable date. But hackers are also using data manipulation to make subtle modifications to data sets, which is particularly insidious and could potentially have a greater crippling effect on organizations than a data breach. As…

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Are cybersecurity budgets increasing or decreasing? In December 2019, experts were predicting 2020 would see a modest 8.7% growth in cybersecurity spending. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that security budgets instead are being slashed, prompting Gartner to revise its estimate to 2.4% growth in spending. Are they right? Let’s look…

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If we think about vulnerabilities in this way, as a matter of action signaling, then malicious actors are, in their own malicious way, members of our audience. Applications are engineered to function, but they are designed to signal. The specific ways we design apps tell our audience how we expect them to act. When we…

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Healthcare may be the first industry that springs to mind for many people when thinking about sectors that have had to suddenly, dramatically adjust due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But ask parents around the world, and they’ll likely say “education.” The traditional classroom was turned on its head in a matter of weeks, and some…

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What Is Cybersecurity, Anyway? Another issue in our field is that many organizations seem to build security staffing requirements around a bachelor’s degree in computer science. It is possible that this was a good strategy once, but computer science degrees and security are increasingly mismatched, for several reasons. Most people in computer science programs want…

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It’s that special time of year again! In perhaps the most festive of all end-of-the-year traditions, the cyber security community tries to predict the next big scary incident which will make headlines in the new year. At the risk of sounding cynical, building strategies to respond to cyber security threats are a bit like New…

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