Introduction With artificial intelligence (AI) use growing in the enterprise, Chief Information Security Officers play a critical role in its implementation and adoption. CISOs need to prepare for the risks associated with AI content creation as well as AI-assisted security threats from attackers. By following some key best practices, we’ll be better prepared to safely…

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Introduction The first Chief Information Security Officer, or CISO, was named 29 years ago: After Russian hackers infiltrated financial services giant Citicorp (now Citigroup) in 1995 and stole more than $10 million, the Citigroup Board instructed the company’s CEO to recruit a security executive to improve the company’s digital defenses. That person was Steve Katz,…

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Introduction Identity is one of those bedrock concepts in security that seems simple and intuitive when we use it in our daily lives (“Hi Bob!”), about ourselves (“I’m a chef!”), and in personal (“You’re my friend!”) and intimate (“I love you!”) contexts. Yet when we build or deploy systems that rely on identity — a…

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Looking Back How times have changed! Looking back at our 5 Cybersecurity Predictions for 2023 there was not a single mention of AI. And yet, here we are wrapping up 2023 (pun very much intended) and it seems almost impossible to read a headline in which AI is not somehow involved. While we may have…

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