Tag: Client-platform malware

The next step in this process is to convert the decrypted and decompressed data file from binary into a human readable format. The following python snippet provides a regular expression that will roughly split the injects from one another: import re regex_res = re.split(‘[x00]{1}[x00-xff]{7}[x00]{2}[x01-xff]{1}’, data[7:]) The steps outlined here can be used on the different…

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During June and July, F5 researchers first noticed Trickbot campaigns aimed at a smaller set of geographically oriented targets and did not use redirection attacks—a divergence from previous Trickbot characteristics. In this research, we compared two different target configurations, one older, more “traditional” configuration that uses redirection, and a new Trickbot configuration that does not…

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While analyzing this script which downloads and executes the cryptominer, F5 researchers found that the code is sophisticated, well obfuscated, and long—about 200 lines versus the typical 20 or so lines. The authors clearly put a lot of time and attention into every step, from developing the malware dropper to creating the executable JAR file…

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Further analysis on this sample was not conducted. F5 Labs has reported extensively on the Mirai botnet, IoT landscape, and some of its variants. For a detailed breakdown on current Mirai botnets seen in the threat landscape, the Hunt for IoT Research Series publishes current threat data. Conclusion All of the vulnerabilities targeted this month…

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Welcome to the Summary of the 2019 F5 Labs TLS Telemetry Report. This year, we expanded the scope of our research to bring you deeper insights into how encryption on the web is constantly evolving. We look into which ciphers and SSL/TLS versions are being used to secure the Internet’s top websites and, for the…

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Hidden Malware, Crouching Ransom One reason ransomware can appear to strike so quickly is because you only notice it once it’s too late. “Just because they’re in your network doesn’t mean you’ll see them,” notes Peck. “Ransomware and attackers often linger long before the ransomware goes active and begins encrypting your data.” The ransomware may…

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Wherever there is Internet, there are businesses looking to take advantage of the twenty-first century gold rush: data collection. Cybercrime is no exception. Attackers focus on breaching applications to collect data on Internet users and then monetize that data in darknetAn encrypted network that runs on the Internet, enables users to remain anonymous, and requires…

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In the fall of 2020, many countries began to require that travelers test negative for the new coronavirus before crossing their borders. As with anything of value, a black market soon emerged. Travelers could illicitly purchase forged negative COVID-19 test results and try to fake their way through the checkpoint. Goodness knows, we’ve already seen…

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The IcedID malware, also known as Bokbot, is a banking trojan first discovered in 2017 that steals credentials by tricking browser functions into redirecting traffic. It is a stealthy, fileless malware with anti-sandbox capabilities. Previously, F5 Labs analyzed IcedID decompression methods for web injecting relevant files into a target list. This is a much deeper…

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APIs and Sectors As more APIs are published, both by large enterprises who want to make their data more available (such as Google) and by smaller, industry-specific organizations hoping to generate value, some interesting industry patterns are also emerging. Of the organizations for which we had sector information, social networking organizations made up the largest…

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