Tag: Client-side Attacks

Advanced Attackers Like criminal actors, state-sponsored actors or APTs often initiate their illicit access campaigns with spear phishing. However, advanced actors have more time and resources on their hands, and can fashion something of value even from apparently useless data. Large caches of innocuous information, such as email addresses, can be used to look for…

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F5 researchers uncovered a cryptominer campaign delivering new Golang malware that targets Linux-based servers. Golang malware is not often seen in the threat landscape; it was first seen to mid-2018 and has continued throughout 2019. The malware campaign propagates using 7 different methods: 4 web application exploits (2 targeting ThinkPHP, 1 targeting Drupal, and 1…

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In 2018 we published our first Application Protection Report, which summarized trends and attack patterns for 2017 across multiple disciplines of information security and offered a big picture strategy for controlling application risk. We created that report in order to provide three things that we felt the security industry needs: a specific focus on application…

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Poor security is another clue that young novices are operating botnets. The Owari authors left their command and control (C&C) MySQL database wide open (port 3306), “protected” with both the username and password of “root.” Control of IoT devices is a highly competitive market, where rivals commonly DDoS each other. In one case, a competing…

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Conclusion Campaigns aimed at mining cryptocurrency and targeting Oracle WebLogic are clearly on the rise, and F5 researchers anticipate this trend to continue. This has been fueled partly by the zero-day vulnerability (CVE-2019-2725)found in April 2019. Oracle WebLogic is used widely by large corporations, and the servers are resource-intensive. This attracts threat actors looking to…

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The next step in this process is to convert the decrypted and decompressed data file from binary into a human readable format. The following python snippet provides a regular expression that will roughly split the injects from one another: import re regex_res = re.split(‘[x00]{1}[x00-xff]{7}[x00]{2}[x01-xff]{1}’, data[7:]) The steps outlined here can be used on the different…

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The US Department of Homeland Security Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (DHS CISA) has cited ransomware as “the most visible cybersecurity risk” attacking American IT systems. I think that’s a valid statement, since “most visible” doesn’t necessarily mean largest or most devastating, but it does still qualify ransomware as a significant threat. Indeed, it seems…

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Introduction Ten months ago we asked a rhetorical question: will losses from cryptocurrency exchange hacks hit one billion dollars in 2018? Indeed, they did. Cryptocurrency theft is growing both in terms of frequency of attacks and breadth of targets. Attackers aren’t just cryptojacking and targeting exchanges. According to endpoint security provider Carbon Black, $1.1 billion…

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During June and July, F5 researchers first noticed Trickbot campaigns aimed at a smaller set of geographically oriented targets and did not use redirection attacks—a divergence from previous Trickbot characteristics. In this research, we compared two different target configurations, one older, more “traditional” configuration that uses redirection, and a new Trickbot configuration that does not…

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While analyzing this script which downloads and executes the cryptominer, F5 researchers found that the code is sophisticated, well obfuscated, and long—about 200 lines versus the typical 20 or so lines. The authors clearly put a lot of time and attention into every step, from developing the malware dropper to creating the executable JAR file…

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