Tag: Client

Welcome to the Sensor Intelligence Series for April 2023. Last month was comparatively quiet in terms of attack traffic, like March before it. CVE-2020-8958 (an OS command injection vulnerability in a GPON router) remained the top-targeted vulnerability, as it has for nine of the last ten months. Many of the other top targets, such as…

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MaliBot’s C2 IP has been used in other malware smishing campaigns since June 2020, which raises questions about how the authors of this malware are related to other campaigns (see Campaign Screenshots). How MaliBot Works Android ‘packers’ are becoming increasingly popular with malware developers since they allow native code to be encrypted within the mobile…

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The stubborn one-way passage of time means that it is time for another round of vulnerability targeting intelligence. Web attacks in May 2023 had a lot in common with those in April, with eight of the top ten vulnerabilities remaining consistent across the two months. In that vein of continuity, CVE-2020-8958, the Guangzhou GPON router…

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Overview Blackguard Infostealer is a malware strain that was first discovered infecting Windows devices at the start of 2022. Other security researchers have already documented how the malware operates and its dissemination via underground Russian crimeware forums.,  This article aims to expand on existing research by exploring its data exfiltration capabilities in greater detail. Blackguard…

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It seems like threat actors everywhere could detect my impatience last month when I wrote that not much had changed among the 70-odd CVEs that we track for attack trends, because last month they did something. Actually, to be more precise, they stopped doing some things. This is the first month since September 2022 that…

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Executive Summary & Key Takeaways As security professionals, we often live and die by the release cycle of the latest vulnerabilities. In this report, sponsored by F5 Labs, we take a step back and examine the universe of vulnerabilities (defined by the CVE) and how it’s changed in the last 20 years. As you will…

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Conclusions This month we were able to add seven newly observed CVEs to our list of confirmed exploited vulnerabilities: CVE-2012-4940, a directory traversal vulnerability in the Axigen Free Mail Server. CVE-2016-4945, a cross-site scripting flaw in Citrix Netscaler Gateway CVE-2017-11511 and CVE-2017-11512, arbitrary file download flaws at different URIs in the Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk tool…

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Welcome back to the Sensor Intelligence Series, our recurring monthly summary of vulnerability intelligence based on distributed passive sensor data. We’ll start off this month’s analysis with a look at some activity from the August dataset, which demonstrates some of the oddities we occasionally see, and then dig into the changes we saw in September…

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In contrast, identity providers in media, retail, and travel tended to see higher overlap, particularly among bot traffic in the travel industry. (High overlaps for aggregators in media and retail are skewed by a comparatively miniscule number of accounts submitted.) The technology industry showed narrow distributions for all three categories, which partly reflects the fact…

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