Tag: Controls

EMEA’s mainstream media’s spotlight on ransomware attacks may have dimmed over the last 18 months but that doesn’t mean the threat has disappeared. There is certainly no room for complacency, and we would do well to pay attention to recent events across the pond. Far from diminishing in disruptive impact, ransomware attacks appear to have…

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Ransomware is not the hottest topic around right now. But that may be deceptive as to its proliferation, because figures show it is still very much alive and kicking. It only takes a quick glance at the rest of the world to see the devastating effects ransomware attacks can have on public and private sector…

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Information security often takes the form of an arms race, as attackers develop novel ways to use or abuse services on the web to their own benefit, and defenders scramble to adapt to and block these new techniques. Few technologies better exemplify this arms race than the web element known as CAPTCHA. This component is…

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Many companies and organizations around the world have issued mandatory work-from-home policies due to the COVID-19 pandemic. When companies find themselves in a situation like we are in today, going from a zero percent remote workforce to 100 percent in a matter of days, it can be daunting. What used to be safe, thanks to…

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Interesting and innovative technology is disrupting the financial services market in a good way. Open Banking is one such initiative that can put the customer’s data to use to serve the user’s needs while also extending financial services to populations with no previous access to banking services. The positive impacts of Open Banking are leading…

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In general, organizations should implement just enough necessary cybersecurity to mitigate risk and meet compliance requirements. We’ve talked about how to mitigate known, foreseeable cyberthreats, but what is the lowest bar for a typical organization with respect to cybersecurity? To figure this out, we need to think about universal compliance and legal obligations for any…

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The best practice document from Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) recommends the use of an external user agent (such as a browser) to complete the flow in authorization flow code grant. When a native app wants to access private information, it needs to first get an authorization code. The native app starts its authorization request…

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Can’t We Just Get Rid of Passwords Now? Shape Security and F5 Labs recently published the 2021 Credential Stuffing Report, which is the product of a multi-year collaborative research project that evolved from Shape’s original Credential Spill Report. This year’s report covers the lifecycle of credential theft in detail, from the original theft of usernames…

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The 2021 Application Protection report notes that ransomware was a factor in roughly 30 percent of U.S. breaches in 2020. Looking at the breach analyses, we found some of the most important controls were user account management, network segmentation, and data backup. We realize that implementing these controls can be difficult, so this article goes…

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Banking has undergone some huge transformations over the last decade as it becomes more embedded in consumers’ everyday lives. In the last year alone, technology adoption in banking has accelerated at an unprecedented rate due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A testament to this India, where digital payments over the unified payment interface (UPI) increased from…

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