Tag: Coronavirus

Mobile World Congress: cancelled due to Coronavirus. IBM and others pulled out of the RSA Conference for the same reason. Supply chains are in jeopardy, since so much technology is manufactured in China. It seems even we in the tech world can’t avoid getting pulled into the Coronavirus gravity well. While this pandemic isn’t hitting…

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COVID-19, aka the Coronavirus, is really starting to worry people. It’s an unfamiliar, seemingly unnatural new threat dragging a lot of uncertain baggage with it. It has already caused global disruptions on both the macro- and micro-scale. All over the world, organizations and individuals are mobilizing response plans, and that’s a good thing. The U.S.…

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Are cybersecurity budgets increasing or decreasing? In December 2019, experts were predicting 2020 would see a modest 8.7% growth in cybersecurity spending. With the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, it comes as no surprise that security budgets instead are being slashed, prompting Gartner to revise its estimate to 2.4% growth in spending. Are they right? Let’s look…

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