Tag: Credential stuffing

This is the full-spectrum, director’s cut version of the Application Protection Report, untrammeled by petty concerns like brevity or toner prices (for the shorter version, please see our Summary). This report pulls together the various threats, data sources, and patterns in the episodes into a unified line of inquiry that began in early 2019, picking…

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The sight of empty supermarket shelves during the COVID-19 pandemic brought home the fragility of our food supply chain. We can all see the importance of ensuring the security of the farming and agriculture industry. However, farming is becoming increasingly automated. This means new cybersecurity risks are emerging to stand alongside traditional risks like the…

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During this period, a campaign of blackmail attempts claimed to be from the Russian advanced attacker Fancy Bear. Their attack opened with a small DDoS attack as a demonstration, followed by a payment demand for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Pay up or they will “make sure your services will remain offline until you pay.”…

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Wherever there is Internet, there are businesses looking to take advantage of the twenty-first century gold rush: data collection. Cybercrime is no exception. Attackers focus on breaching applications to collect data on Internet users and then monetize that data in darknetAn encrypted network that runs on the Internet, enables users to remain anonymous, and requires…

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Identifying Trends in Recent Cyberattacks Web attacks vary quite a lot—by target, technique, objective, and attacker—which makes it difficult for a system owner to assess the instantaneous risk to their particular combination of systems until they’re attacked. To help defenders anticipate the risks they face, we analyzed several months’ worth of global honeypot traffic from…

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In the fall of 2020, many countries began to require that travelers test negative for the new coronavirus before crossing their borders. As with anything of value, a black market soon emerged. Travelers could illicitly purchase forged negative COVID-19 test results and try to fake their way through the checkpoint. Goodness knows, we’ve already seen…

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Reasons for Credential Spills In some of the incidents, organizations were willing and able to disclose the reason credentials were compromised. While every incident is a little different, we’ve highlighted a few here that are particularly instructive (or just frustrating). In short, there’s no shortage of opportunity, even for unsophisticated threats. A Breach from Beyond…

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Accounting for the slight dip in 2019, password login attacks account for 32% of all reported SIRT incidents over the past three years. We also saw how they jumped in 2020, so we did a deeper dive into how these kinds of cyberattacks ramped up during the pandemic. Credential Stuffing Attacks at Financial Services Organizations…

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Credential stuffing is a type of cyberattack that uses credentials obtained from previous breaches to take over existing accounts on other web or mobile applications. This is a type of brute force attack that relies on the fact that many people use the same usernames and passwords on multiple sites. For a more in-depth description…

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