Tag: Credential theft

In the fall of 2020, many countries began to require that travelers test negative for the new coronavirus before crossing their borders. As with anything of value, a black market soon emerged. Travelers could illicitly purchase forged negative COVID-19 test results and try to fake their way through the checkpoint. Goodness knows, we’ve already seen…

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Reasons for Credential Spills In some of the incidents, organizations were willing and able to disclose the reason credentials were compromised. While every incident is a little different, we’ve highlighted a few here that are particularly instructive (or just frustrating). In short, there’s no shortage of opportunity, even for unsophisticated threats. A Breach from Beyond…

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APIs and Sectors As more APIs are published, both by large enterprises who want to make their data more available (such as Google) and by smaller, industry-specific organizations hoping to generate value, some interesting industry patterns are also emerging. Of the organizations for which we had sector information, social networking organizations made up the largest…

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So How Good Are Sectors for Predicting Risk? Based on these analyses, it appears that the answer is “not bad, but it depends.” On one hand, we can identify specific patterns that seem to map to characteristics about those sectors. We already knew that the Retail Trade sector is heavily targeted by attacks that are…

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Phishing is not the only method that attackers used against cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets. As noted in the 2021 TLS Telemetry report, malicious Tor exit nodes were also used to strip SSL/TLS connections, which allowed attackers to harvest credentials to cryptocurrency exchanges. Investigating Attacker Methods Threat actors frequently refine their techniques to improve the success…

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Mitigation Coverage Restrict web-based content 7 Disable or remove feature or program 5 Multifactor authentication 5 Network segmentation 5 User training 5 Application isolation and sandboxing 4 Exploit protection 4 Network intrusion prevention 4 Privileged account management 4 User account management 4 Antivirus/antimalware 3 Data backup 3 Filter network traffic 3 Password policies 3 Update…

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MaliBot’s C2 IP has been used in other malware smishing campaigns since June 2020, which raises questions about how the authors of this malware are related to other campaigns (see Campaign Screenshots). How MaliBot Works Android ‘packers’ are becoming increasingly popular with malware developers since they allow native code to be encrypted within the mobile…

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Overview Blackguard Infostealer is a malware strain that was first discovered infecting Windows devices at the start of 2022. Other security researchers have already documented how the malware operates and its dissemination via underground Russian crimeware forums.,  This article aims to expand on existing research by exploring its data exfiltration capabilities in greater detail. Blackguard…

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In contrast, identity providers in media, retail, and travel tended to see higher overlap, particularly among bot traffic in the travel industry. (High overlaps for aggregators in media and retail are skewed by a comparatively miniscule number of accounts submitted.) The technology industry showed narrow distributions for all three categories, which partly reflects the fact…

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Introduction Much of the activity on the internet is automated, and quite a lot of it is specifically due to bots. Bots can be used for many purposes, but in this series of articles we’ll be looking at bots that create and use fake accounts. This first article looks at the motivations behind fake account…

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